that plan[< MF < OF, plane < L planum l’eve’l g’round < planus flat] of any x plane’ing spreading out(x) of any complete roll/role of d”ark of pi covenant ratio forma’sszz z  z re y dias pole polarity en y y ne circle’ment echo echoing ka’s all(causal) ka’s mic-memory/intelligence/consciousness mic’ro’w ro’w  ro’w’ing waves(ways of eve) re;back g”round.

Here/hear now that back g’round??HEAR HERE NOW THAT BACK(RE) G’ROUND!!

That ka’s all(causal) ka’s mic ‘fire/far’ a’w/ay of eve(wave) re y z z  z comes echoing back g’round forma’sszz z  z function of mere(mirror) here’ing/hear’ing.

H’ear’th’s,  electromagnetic polarity continuous e turn’ity of ‘oo’p’s loops emanating from cold/ka old heat h’earth heart pressure p(eh)re’sszz’ing’ing y’z z  z’en y x(out)’eting from that center centered centrality core/c’are/ka re;back again & again w/out(x) posing asz opposite en’ds/ne’e’ds of apparent/a pair’ent memory/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you.  Thus apparent/a pair’ent opposition merely(mirror’ly) hermetic hermes yod/you/y that that I am is is asz now k’now’en y y ne/y na/a na y thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing myriad(my/mem or y/me or you mirrored) reflecting reflection as’word to cleave y as ex u’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn pa’turn’ity & ma’turn’ity forma’sszz ma’sszz ka’ing a ba’b(a)’y.  That ba’ba’y/being being y asz ka’ing y y’all forma’ss ja’zz’ing forma’sszz a long, long, looooooooooonnnnnnnnngggg w(h)ile, a cunning u’ni”verse(((tale/tail of you/y ni/na))) ka’s all(causal) duped duplicating duplicity in(being) infinite potential/potis esse/able to be in seer sight seeing plan et’ing h’ear’th asz ka’s mic mic ro’w ro’w ro’w’ing ways of eve(ma)(waves) back g’round Mr. re y z z   z re y d’hi ate’ing re y d’at’i\/I’on again & again & again.

Thus y el eve’ll/eve will g’round in x plane’ing in sight of seer sight seeing here/h’ear’th’at felt field of view/you/yod/y x’eting/duplicating duplicity hey vav yeh, calling and calling  and calling out(x) z y that that I am is is still free freed freedom status stare y’ing at this screen now k’now’ing y x’s tense of first per sonic now present singing singular forma’sszz y’all that ja’azz that that I am is is.

Asz of such a A plan et eting extra terrestrial of, pertaining to, or consisting of that h’ear’th (e)l’and’ing that ka’s all ka’s mic mic’ro ro  ro’w’ay of eve(wave) back(re) g’round & around sound per-sonic attraction<>repulsion re y z z  z re y dhi’a’ting z z   z  y x’s tense x’eting/duplicating y z z  z potential in(being be”am’ing) sonic sound re sounding ka’s all(causal) forma’sszz y’all appearing/a pair’ing in(being) sound memory of z y x’et’ing/duplicating intelligence consciousness.

Thus that extra terrestrial being being y’all ready in’side’ the scope/r’oo’m~~~}}}}’oo’ egg egg’ing{{{{~~~ forma’sszz exercise of mere(mirror) fun fun function remains still free freed freedom status of the stare y tsz’add’ing z y x is tsz.  That A a z’ero’s ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) bodhi of LOVE SUPREME mere(mirror) potential appearance/a pair’ance ‘out(x)side’ hermetic hermes hermit yod/you/y y asz now k’now’en y y ne/na a’sz thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing that that I am is is asz any/a na y y an a bodhi being to perceive, to think, to wish to desire from above~~~}}}}ove ab/father/sire/dhi sire{{{{~~~asz below/be’ing’low.  That et’ing space man re y ‘turns’ on e(ting) turn’ity of e(ting) turn y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) keep’n on turning on motionless still stillness(immortal immortality) pi vot’ing on center centered centrality Mr. re point of view/you/yod/y seer sight seeing w/out(x) that field/feel’d of view/you/y appearing/a pair’ing in(being) ka’s mic-memory intelligence consciousness y man’asz mind’or y/me or you.