!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!z z  z                                                      z  z z???????????????????????.   .                                                                                         V

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Ja Ja  JA asz hey  hey   HEY & YEH   yeh  yeh y na a na y sublime subtle cunning deadly super duper duped duplicate’ing duplicity resolves instantly directly & periodically asz z  z’leep instantaneously back(re//Mr. re point of view/you/y) into one singing single personic sound backg”round echo echoing complete sigh’l’ent sigh’lence of ka’s(cause) en y breath suspended over d”ark’ness/en y roll’ment in(being) ka’s all(causal)”d’ark//black” bodhi awareness now k’now’ing y’all e turn all appearance/a pair’ance by y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turning awakening sense asz any felt field feeling of view/you/y in(being) that a(y) way of eve(wave) re y function of merely(mirror’ly) k’ en(d)ing that complete k’urving now(time) e turn’ity backg’round by mere(mirror) opening mouth yawning & yearning to release the tail/tale of that complete roll/role in d’ord’or(((memory/mem mind’or y mere(mirror) d’ord’or))) to x plane it.

In(being) thatz y x plane’ing x p’anding(((peh-sonically duplicating asz echo echoing that ka’s all bodhi backg”round))) spreading out(x) a na y roll/role asz sheetsz of muse’k’ey we all(wheel) turn into that ja asz any ‘play’ on ma’sszz z  z re y dios/dias h”ark’en y’ing a round that singular ja’t/jo’mama’t ma’sszz z  z re y point now k’now’ing ‘pointing out'(x) asz thoth(tsz) that I am y x’s tense is asz p(h)i vot’ing forma’sszz z  z circumferential circumstance y’all around now k’now’ing out(x) ja asz thoth(tsz) that I am waving good by e turn’ity in awakening from z z  z y as too(two twa twy”st’ing) ‘x’ plane’ing that y an na y roll/role x(out) of hermetic hermit hermes yod/you/y seer sight seeing.

Just as(just’ice) y we all(wheel) turn into periodic ‘flattening’ out(x) a na y roll/role x forma’sszz z  z a y’ll/w(h)ile still(immortal) y we all(wheel) roll/role back up into complete d”ark’ness asz z  z’leep back(re) into one single singular singing sigh’lence breath suspended in(being) ka’s mic kamic ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi being to think of awakening again & again & again turning churning burning black backg’round any circumferential function of mere(mirror) reflecting reflected reflection asz thoth(tsz) of y na me seer sight seeing a’cross(x) crossing(x) the way of eve(wave) re y turn asz too(two) appear/a pair aspir(al)ing on opposite sides of that y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turning in(being) e(iya/ja) turn’ity.