That design is dhi sight’n any bodhi. . . . . . .!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?Y y Y y Y y(y you’re; you) Y is asz x ka’ing y an a na y t(h)ing’king thoth(tsz) out(x) asz that ka’s mic ka’s y’all(causal y) ”black” bodhi, the universal bodhi(buddhi/buddha) being being to perceive any & eve re y t(h)ing’k’ing the or y man’as mind’or y na an y bodhi appearing to disappear in(being) it asz y we all(y wheel) turn in(being) e turn’ity of completely complete d(hi)”ark’ness/eN y roll’ment of that complete d(hi)”ark’ing ma’t\/t’er of d(hi)”ark’ing en’erg’y//urge of en y y ne.  Y’all that is sacred ~~~}}}} d’hi ”ark” of the covenant w/great go(a)d/urge en c’y of thoth(tsz){{{{~~~ z y x per-sonically asz soundless sound sigh’lence((((((breath of ka’s mos  ‘hostess w/the mos’tess”hovering’ suspended over d’ark waters of Nun)))))) x perienced directly & periodically asz’leep into deep now(time) for a w(h)ile(space) k’now’ing/k’no no  no’www’ing/d(hi) na y’ing w/intentional disregard/ignore-ance of being w/in being that by awakening, by a a-way of eve(wave) re y k’en(d)ing(b”ending) now(time-t(at) i’m’e-that I am y) around ending indivisibility w/asz thoth(tsz) appearance//a pair’ance by way of eve(wave) re y function of mere(mirror) myriad(mirror’d y) mirage(mirror’age) fun fun  fun”ny(a)ction function y’all being being reflection reflected asz any/an y y na forma’sszz z  z a long (d’)or short w(h)ile, that cunning kurve y super imposed super duper duped deadly duplicating duplicity.

Ka man seer sighing sigh’ence sighting ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) bo/being dhi/to perceive dhi sigh’n y/you/yod Hermes creates asz Thoth(tsz) by mere(mirror) function reflecting/deflecting any t(h)ing’k’ing out(x) of y thoth(tsz) forma’sszz z  z that in(being) word//w/or’d’or of magnetic)))))))+or-((((((( magnification above(ma’cro) & below(mic’ro).

Ancient man’as mind’or y(memory) realized that d”ark’en’ing ”black” bodhi experienced directly & periodically universally asz z  z’leep b(l)ack(re) into one single indivisible invisible predominant primary singular singing per-sonic sound bodhi of sigh’lence(breath breathed breathing) seer sigh’t seeing y w/out(x) sight’ment sighting x’s tense by y’et x’eting/duplicating by mere(mirror) wave function of awakening asz a way of eve(wave) re y bodhi per sonically vibrating vir(man’as mind’or y)’t(at) u/you all y(virtually) echoing ka’s all ka’s mic mic’ro . . .ro’w . . .ro’w’ing wave(s) back g’round radiation radiating forma’sszz z  z here hearing h(ey)’ear’th.

Thus (h)our time now appears/a pairs secondarily in(being) subtle(dream) bodhi ways of eve(waves) re y function of mere(mirror) x’eting/duplicating that infinite potential ka’s(cause) out(x) asz y back(ma re y)g’round effect of ka’s mic d(hi) ay light light'(e)n’ing that torus, that y we all(wheel) taking turns turning as too(two) twist destiny ‘striking’ torus towers of ba’bel(being good) forma’sszz z  z thoth(tsz) turning now back g’round asz ka’s all ka’s mic mic’ro waves re y dhi”ating re y dhi’ation.

That asz contract contraction grossification of that ka man/common/c’mon design is plan et et’ing/anding/duplicating that (h)ear’th per sonically echoing that primary predominant ka’s all(causal) sound ‘black’ bodhi back g’round in ways of eve(waves) re y z z  z x re y d(h)i a t’ing eve re y d(h)i’ation ‘de’vouring its ba(being)by’z z  z returning asz too disintegrating now b(l)ack(re) into that one zero(a ten) singular complete d”ark’ness of complete en y circle’ment/en y roll/role’ment mic-memory/intelligence/consciousness ro. . . . .ro . . . . .ro’w’ing waves out in y y/you ni verse asz x u’all .