~~~~~~~$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$eve re y z z  z$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$~~~~~~~

In that way of eve’ll(wave will) re y asz an y(y na) bodhi plays out(x) on that same roll/role of y we all(wheel) turn b(l)ack into the Mr. re devouring mouth biting back(re) down on closing out(x) any tale/tail of that the e star’e y eht after a long, long, loooooonnnnggg (d’)or short w(h)ile turning out(x) sight’ment of that stare y w/ay of any/a na y role/roll.

Thus the opening of any/a na y mouth releases that tail/tale of any roll/role inward/word (d’)ord’er to x plane & x p’and/spread out(x) that roll/role asz bo(being) sheetsz of music/i c’ing muse/stare’y’ing x(out) per sonically x pressed re’c(h)ording that sound way of eve’ll(wave will) re y asz released as ka’s y’all(causal y) breath breathed breathing out(x) vibrant vibrating vibration of voc’all a c(h)ords of a vow-el to echo b(l)ack(re) g’round in(being be”am’ing) ka’s mic ka’s y’all(causal y) ”black(g”round)”bodhi being to perceive re’member’ing memory of me or you asz keys to(two) one(singular) zero/ c’b’ a’ing a ten.

Thus the go(a)d of thoth(tsz)~~~}}}}go(a)d of art(being) sigh’ence(breath) asz letter’all y(y’all){{{{~~~ a’vow’el to speak is utter utterance asz sound source of w/ay eve’ll(wave will) function in mere(mirror) thoth(tsz) breath(ka’s/cause) breathed out over v’ox/voc’all a chord vibrant vibration echoing off ka’s y’all(causal y) ka’s mic mic-memory/intelligence/consciousness ro/re/b(l)ack g’round in(be”am’ing) ways of eve’ll(waves will) re y dhi’ation/aton i\/I w/sole soul purpose of disintegrating/digesting any tail/tale back into that same supreme mouth opening now.