ain’t y na an y alien alienated alienation of falling under that spell(ing) of that alias, that assumed name, that acceded y na me for sake’ing my(memory) being that being in the first place.

That space man’asz mind’or y//memory is ka’s mic ka’s all bodhi being to perceive function of mere(mirror) being being w/out(x) ‘falling’ to h’ear’th that sound indivisible ka’s all(causal) black bodhi b(l)ackg”round ja asz appearing/a pair’ing to end asz a na y tale/tail appearing/a pair’ing separate from y’all by mere(mirror) echo of ka’s mic b(l)ackg’round bodhi echoing way of eve(wave) re y function of merely(mirror’ly) being being asz thoth(tsz) reflecting reflected reflection thing’k’ing that being that that I am is is a na y bodhi being to perceive a na y tale/tail/role/roll.

Now the race in(be”am’ing) space is on to ‘catch’ that t’all tale/tail of y we all(wheel) turn on & on & on in the human race by being(in) the first place.  Y we’re/y weir appearing/a pair’ing asz that ting, that assembly of thinker asz too(two) thoth(tsz) obstructing that invisible indivisible ka’s all(causal)bodhi ka’man backg”round in the first place being being to merely(mirror’ly) discern that opening mouth per-sonically releases that y’all t’all tale/tail forma’sszz z  z  a w(h)ile(deadly daring duplicitous duplicity) of an y y na apparent/a pair’ent separation of (h)our end asz any potential felt feeling field of view/you/y.  Forma’sszz z  z long asz y we all(wheel) keep turning away in e turn’ity of that ignore-ance, that intentional disregard of being being completely complete completion that that I am is is y y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn asz too(two) continue the race in(be”am’ing) space to ‘catch’ seer sight seeing that end, that tale/tail of (h)our stare y appearing/a pairing to move away w/eve’re y magnification in seer sight seeing of that ka’s mic ‘far’ fire firing away.

In(being) other word(s) the further & further & further y’all imagine (h)our tale/tail/role/roll to be moving away, the faster & faster & faster y’all must imagine that way of eve(wave) re y function of mere(mirror) movement of an y y na that ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) bodhi being to perceive that instant[<L in upon(being) + stare to stand = upon being standing of that stare y] instantaneous backg”round to try to catch that which is motionless that that I am is is y & y n(a)’eve’r(e) ‘separate’.

If we all(wheel) turn fast enough to catch up & ‘bite’ back down on that racing tale/tail, we all(wheel) will touch that indivisible backg’round ‘space man’ bodhi that I am now k’now’ing that asz touched touching touch of any key any first time(being) that any where that I am is is.