is statistical universal ‘k’urve/bell/b’eing ell(all) way of eve(wave) re y ‘shape’/bodhi being to perceive analogous analogy in(being) any a na y bodhi & experienced by y’all directly & periodically asz z  z’leep ‘back'(re) into statistical universal status state of that free free free freed freedom FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE freedom state standing(status) STAR’E Y tsz y x’s tense of first personic person present singular that that that I am is is at tenszion of appearing/a pair’ing to resist/oppose/ignore/intentionally disregard thatz y indivisible indivisibility x is tsz(free state stare y(tsz) x’eting/duplicating in(being) y mere(mirror) way of eve(wave) re y function of an y y na me(m or y).

” The way the bell curve emerges is nothing short of magical. . . . The general features of the bell curve make intuitive sense, but why(y Y y?!?!?!?) it should have precisely the shape it does. . . . . .and not some other(a na y) shape. . . . . .remains a mystery(Mr. re point of view/you/y).  What(why y Y y) power guides the pennies [of a penny toss], whose individual motions are completely random, to fall in such a predictable way?  What(why y Y y) intelligence orders them?  How(why Y y Y) does this exquisite (d’)order emerge from chaos(ka’asz) of pennies tumbling pell-mell out of a cup?                                                        The literature on the calculus of probabilities is vast, but it is powerless to dispel the magic(of that I magus I magination I magining//seer sight seeing).   Since the eighteenth century mathematicians have derived increasingly general propositions, collectively known as “central limit theorems” to explain the astonishing universality of the bell(being y’all) curve(ka’ph), but its re(Mr. re) appearance, over & over again, in the most diverse circumstances, still excites wonder.”                         .                                      (after) Maxwell’s Demon. . .Christian von Baeyer

Thatz y ka’s we all(wheel of fortune & mis(sed) fortune) turn back(re) into that ‘bell’//b’ng y’all k(a)urve y ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi being to perceive directly & periodically asz z  z leep into complete completion d”ark’ness/eN y roll’ment of y any a na y roll/role x rolling e(iya) ‘turn’ all’y y’all over & over & over again & again & again should still excite (h)our wonder at that I am magical y ‘potential’ to appear/a’pair in(being) y me/my/memory/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you out(x) of that, that being mere(mirror) being singular singularity being that y y y?!?!?!? awareness that that I am is is eve’n(a) asz any a na y thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing other y’sz forma’sszz z  z other you’sz”full function.