
Y na ‘ting’, that assembly of an y y na thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing forma’sszz z z way of eve(wave) re y t(h)ing’ka’s’ing out(x) asz a ~A~ k’urving(occurring) time/now around k’now’ing that that y/you appear/a pair asz x, y/asz ex’y in(being) my/memory/mem man’as mind’or y/me or you be(ing)cause caused by(being y) you now k’now’ing(k’no no no’wing denial-y’ll d’na projecting as though’tsz of being any’or y ) eve re’y (indivisible in’visibility) body(now around k’now’ing as though’tsz) appearing (in word) in’formation x(out) thatz y asz that I magus I mage I magination I magining I magnifying//seer sight seeing that asz mere(mirror) way of eve(wave) re y function/fun        (sport/a muse”~~~}}}}}that muse [< MF muser to stare] that free freed freedom stare y staring out(x) in any a na y face{{{{{~~~ ment)        ny/a na y action.

Thus any a na y funny action/function is a muse(that free freed freedom stare(tsz) state) ment to be y/you x is tsz asz thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing that awareness that I am is is actually an y y na thing”king in(being) way of eve(wave) re y body thing’k’ing

“That I am(is is)(y’)all that is, was, & ever will be” . . . inscription on temple of Isis . . .b.c.e. Egypt

In other word(s), any a na y thing’king is y positive negation/y na an y way of eve(wave) re y function of merely(mirror’ly) y/you being being x(out) now k’no no no’w’ing x(out) x’eting/duplicating an y y na/no’w  asz a na y for’ma(eve)’sszz z  z y y’all y’ll/w(h)ile, that cunning duped deadly duplicitous duplicity of y appearing/a pairing asz out(x) & about in(being)z any a na y memory/mem man’as mind’or y// me or you.  Y y y an y y na(ma/me) t(h)ing is eve re y t(h)ing or her’e ma’sz eve re’y body.