Jo/Ja y y/yod/you hey vav hey(IHVH) heart/he(y) art(being) y being any being an y y na sheer duplicity way of eve(wave) re y function asz y hey vav(and) hey out x’eting/duplicating by(being y) mere(mirror) way of eve(wave) re y fun fun fun’ction that hey thoth(tsz), great go(a)d of heart/hey art(being) y sigh’ence(breath) x pressed letter all’y by t(h)ing’king an y y na/now ka’s all y(causal’y) appearing/a pair’ing that joy/ja y asz sorrow as’word asz too(two) sheer that singular an y y na asz z’ex u’all.

Thatz y/you heart sending out(x) caring(dhi sire)carrying carrier waves of clear present future intent empowered by(being y) elevated e’motion ~~~}}}}} e(iya) motion/ma’s otion(d’ark black ocean/bodhi infinite potential) asz y x thoth(tsz) waves waving now ka’s(cause)now’ing/k’now’ing out(x) of hermetic y/yod/you hermes center centered centrality{{{{{~~~ of compassion acceptance selflessness gratitude joy LOVE SUPREME ‘combs’ out(x) any a na y entangled ambient incoherent inferior beta/being t(h)a(t) way of eve(wave) re y function functioning waves waving under chemical ‘stress’ emotion’y’all influence of present past complex duplicity ‘colliding'<<<(((((y now out(x) k’now’ing frustration hate denial selfishness)))))>>>w/free open present future infinite potential healing//hey y’all’ing w/alpha z’eros LOVE SUPREME bliss y’all phi go(a)l”d’en y mean means meaning in(being) that ratio relation of mem man’as mind’or y/me or you/my/memory.

Thus forma’sszz z  z a w(h)ile(((cunning crafty dangerous deadly duped duplicity))) of long term memory to be seer seen in rear view mirror w/primary focus in opposite direction of wide open ‘road’ way of eve(wave) re y function going ahead.

In(being) other word(s) that an y y na na’ture y’all way of eve(wave) re y function drive in drive(forward) open free accepting LOVE SUPREME na reverse of hate bondage denial y’all y’ll still(immortal) LOVE SUPREME.

In other word(s) y’all y’ll hate & ignorance may seem to prevail that ‘heart’ intelligence reality still(immortal) that LOVE SUPREME whole holy bliss that we all(wheel) turn into directly & periodically asz z  z’leep into that deep quantum/qualus real indivisible black blackness singular realm where it seems there is only that awareness that qualus/quality quantum that I am is is asz why na/now y.  May(ma’sszz z  z y) we all(wheel) turn to cultivate, practice, & apply that heart coherence, that ‘sticking together’ of hey art(being) LOVE SUPREME bliss which is y’all asz too(two) often denied by stress at tension of that simple x tension twist of d’na y’ll(denial) destiny/of y y’all stare staring out(x) asz thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing in(being) desperately appearing/a pairing asz too(two) being(in) separate.

It seems thatz y we all(wheel) may turn out(x) to develop that skill or proficiency at elevated emotion by cultivating practicing & applying realization of that individual indivisible indivisibility y/you nature eve’n(a) in(being) an y y na merely(mirror’ly) sheer duplicity forma’sszz z  z a w(h)ile.  In(being) realizing, apprehending, picking up on that complete being being y’all y’ll still(immortal) that I am is is way of eve(wave) re y function of merely(mirror’ly) reflecting that in(being be”am’ing) gratitude appreciation thankfulness inspiration free freed freedom kind of kindness compassion  in(being) purely infinite potential an y y na of indivisible LOVE SUPREME.

In(being) other word(sz) y we all(wheel) turn directly & periodically back into that singular invisible indivisible black bodhi being to perceive what ever(e y) may appear/a pair asz black or white or brown or yellow or red man’as mind’or y that I am is is asz me or you.