
That majestic super way of eve(ma) re y//wave re y’z z  z ma’y provoke laughter depending on y/you get(realize discern apprehend pick up on)ting Ma’sszz z  z jest y we all(wheel) appear/a pair asz too(two) turn on & on & on in(being) e(iya) turn’ity of long long loooooooonnnnnggg term memory/me or you.

Y’all that y’ll/w(h)ile, that cunning crafty deadly daring dangerous daunting duplicity appears/a pairs asz too(two) turn churn & burn on & on & on by merely(mirror’ly) y/you reflecting asz thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’king out(x) that motionless still stillness(immortal immortality) free freed freedom state stare y.

That jest~~~}}}}} j(a)’es(se) t(h)at){{{{{~~~ is way of eve(ma)(wave) re y mere(mirror) function//fun’ny(a)ction of ayin zayin//oz(ABBC keys 15 + 6) reflects the mirth(mirror’th) of that mirage(mirror’age) that that wizard magus magician Hermes yod/y/you asz thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’king out(x) from the causal d’ark’ness/ignore-ance of y/you are invisible indivisibility appearing//a’pair’ing asz too(two) an y y na way of eve(ma)(wave) re y mere(mirror) function.

Y y Y you y’all gotta laugh laugh LAUGH!!!!!!!!!!! long & hard in(being) that hue & cry of man’as mind’or y/me or you/my/memory.  Y y Y!!!!!!! that vow to remember that that is is repeated letter’all’y 5 times(f,u,v,w,y) in modern Greco-Roman alphabeta.

That that joke is on & on & on in(being) y you asz actually merely(mirror’ly) function is her majesty, ma’sszz z  z re y dios/dias playing out(x) that old black magic I magus I mage I magining Imagineering the pow pow POW’ER of creative visualization in an y y na way of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) function realized w/elevated e-motion//ma’sszz ocean(gratitude, joy, appreciation, thankfulness, inspiration, free freed freedom, kindness, selflessness, compassion in(being) y LOVE SUPREME).