At what point of view/you/y(yYyYyYyYyYyYyYyYyYyY???????????????) being that being become aware of merely(mirror’ly) being being that awareness y’all along??????????????????????????

Being that I am being, at what/why(((why being instrumental case of what, for what cause, purpose, or reason?))) point(of view/you/y) is being aware of that(that I am) merely(mirror’ly) being being awareness of that?

At that what/why point(of view/you/y), being is merely(mirror’ly) awareness of being being aware of that.

At what point isz pointing out(x) why/y being aware of awareness being that, that being merely(mirror’ly duplicity) in(being be”am’ing) an y y(you asz though(tsz) na me?

Why pointing/staring out(x) merely(mirror’ly) y(why) y/you now k’no no no’wing any an y y x is ts(that stare) asz y na’me x(y unknown/ y na’k”now'(e)n/y denied d’na y’ll(k’no no now (e)n y na me).

Why/y/you being being merely(mirror’ly) reflection reflecting beside the point(of view/you/y)an y y na now appears/a pairs asz too(two) y x is ts(that star’e y) x(out) x’eting/anding/duplicating asz too/two/twa’is ting(assembly of thoth(tsz)) inspir(al)ed asz any an y y na me(m’or’y/me or you) in(being)spiraling(x’s tense ‘spinning around’) d’na y’ll still(immortal) freestanding stare/seer sight seeing.

Z why/y points out/x in merely(mirror’ly) being an y aware of y na(now) awareness of being that.


Tzaddhi (Ts, Tz, Tsz), the Star’e”y is key 17 of ABBC alphabeta binary code(missing in modern Greco-Roman version).  Key 17 pictured asz the sacred feminine water bearer symbol for Aquarius.  Water means w/ater.  Ater/ator is Ma’sszz z  z y nature/y na t(h)at u (a)re – Eve(Ma) re y way of eve(wave) motion/m’asz otion-ocean source infinite potential y occurring/ o k’urving in(being) an y y na t(h)ing(assembly of thoth(tsz))’k(urv)ing peh/per’sonically in(being be”am’ing) sound/unsound(((y/yna))) thingking.  Ma’sz appears/a pairs asz too(two) h’ands h’anding  water pitchers.  The right pours into the pool & left pours out on the ground.  Thus Ma’sz source generates y n(a)otion of motion way of eve(ma) re y wave waving y’all function of mere(mirror) meditation, a’muse’ment of that ma'(sz)jest’ic mirage(mirror’age) any a na y y na reflection reflecting out(x) that star’er’g en ce’y/agency in(being be”am’ing) c’er(mere(mirror) psy’t/sight/site) ce’ing.  Thus ma’sz ‘pouring’ out w/ater onto (back)g’round of sensory ex’per(sonic)ri’en’ce-Mr. re point of view/you/y en\/ne y\/y na ce(see/sea)(experience). S’he kneels w/one foot resting on the surface of the pool & one knee on the ground.  The corresponding hieroglyph(tsadeh/t(h)at’s a dhi(to perceive)) images a kneeling figure reflected in statues of Akhenaten, the only monotheistic pharaoh.  That key 17 reiterates sounds ‘T’ & ‘S’ already in the Hebraic-Hieroglyphic alphabet & in form so closely resembles the only monotheistic pharaoh in Egyptian history as well as being emblematic of the dawning age of Aquarius serves to remind those w/eyes to see of that immutable immortal source, the free freed freedom stare y staring now k’now’ing(k’urving time) out(x) from y’all now k’now’ing asz too(two) eyes to see realizing that indiscriminate y/you k’new age when you see it .

Dawning of (k)new age of Aquarius foreshadowed some 3300+- years previous by lineage of new kingdom pharaohs culminating w/Akhenaten(I am aten/I am that that I am is is), Tutankhaten/amun, & Ay/Adon-Ay.  Akhenaten, formerly Amenhotep IV who having discerned reality of indivisible individual that that timeless awareness that I am is is changed his name to embody that Mr. re first principal principle re; that I am & thus ‘became’ that “I am that” / Akhenaten).  At that point, realizing that point of view/you/y, Pharaoh determined to ‘shake off’ the degeneration of subscribing to mere(mirror) duplicity perpetuated by the cunning priests conning the people into worshipping any an y y na duplicitous deities. To that end, Pharaoh built a new capitol populated by those chosen to accompany him. Unfortunately that mere(mirror) an y y na duplicity is not(asz y’all appearance//a pair’ance an y//y na me(m or y//me or you) easily shaken & though people jumped onto Akhenatens ‘band-wagon’, they did so continuing asz worshippers w/out realizing y, y that awareness is is that indivisible & thus what might have been Ma’sz liberation realized asz that singular/mono that that I am is is, turned instead to again worshipful devotion, monothe’ism(the is m/mem/man’as mind’or y again that asz that mere(mirror) duplicity continued forMa’sz a w(h)ile long’or short of it).

Ay, having witnessed the extreme suffering of those not ‘chosen’ to reside in Akhetaten, the splendid city built from wealth confiscated & stripped from the rest of the kingdom, determined at the death of Akhenaten, to abandon Ahketaten, banish the monotheists, & restore the old priestly order.

Three predominant ‘western’ monotheistic religions generated from this new kingdom’z y ex’odus from Egypt to land(Caanan) promised by Adon-Ay asz evidenced by ‘trail’ of numeric alphabeta from hieroglyphic-hebraic-hieratic forms through Greco-roman in triple analogy of form-sound & meaning re’vealed in ABBC alphabeta binary code 3-D ‘house’ of tarot-t’ator cards(higher arcane) perpetuated asz ‘playing’ cards(4 suit lower arcane).

What is the point asz too the stare y in(being be”am’ing) the multi-variegated hue & cry of man’as mind’or y?  Is that point the(e)n y asz now, merely(mirror’ly) k’now’ing(k’urving now(time-t(h)at ime/I’m) backg”round the en y y ne?  It seems we all(wheel) turn to connect(wheels w/in wheels) in(being be”am’ing) that indivisible individual asz too(two) that simple twist of sheer duplicity, that tetragrammaton, that 4 letter aton re; yod/you/ y hey vav/and hey//h’and & h’and//Re & aL; singular ReaL asz too(two) rollsz being(sz) being w/twi”is’t of de’stin’y.

Ma’sz liberation over-due asz too(two) many man y na occupy plan et (h)ear’th that super duper personic way of eve(wave) re function of mere(mirror) inward/ in(being being) word discernment apprehension realization eve”en’t (h)our i\/I szion (t(h)at i\/I aton.  Y the or y of man’as mind’or y na an y mere(mirror) way of eve(wave)re y function of meditation is still mere(mirror duplicate duplicity) state of that star’e y.