
M. . . . . . .memory// ’em man’as mind’or y//y’or mind merely(mirror’ly) that invisible indivisible individual awareness asz too(two) appearing//a pair’ing inward in word under that spell(ing) of alphabeta. . . . .O . . . . .o o  o ayin(ABBC key 15) ‘eye’ in(being be”am’ing)  ‘foundation’ asz fun fun fun’ny (a)ction function of mirth(mirror’th) in that seer sight seeing establishing super-face’iel super natural super imposition of any an y y na appearance/a pair’ance of that asz memory//me or y/you . . . NE Y. . . . .ne y//y na en y erg(energy) /erg’en’t function of function per peh(ABBC key 16 -word of mouth asz organ(ergon) of speech) t((h)at)’u al(l)(perpetual) motion(ma’sszz z  z otion/ocean of infinite potential) in(being be”am’ing) mere(mirror) sound well we’ll(wheel) ways of eve(waves) re y thing’k’er thing’k’ing that I am etc.,(duplicating in(being be”am’ing c”ng) . . . . . . . . .H. . . .  ‘ay ‘wind’ow’ breath breathed breathing enabling ka’sz’ing(causing) z’ing z’ing z’ing’ing out(x)’looking’ (for trouble disturbance on the calm waters of nun). . . . .O. . . o o  oh. . . . . NE Y. . . . . ne y y en y erg/urge asz too(two) appear//a pair inwardly in word eL y Y y ?????? great go(a)d of thoth(tsz) forma’sszz z  z art(being be”am’ing) science//psy’ence// sigh’ence (breath breathed breathing) letter’all’y asz y’all in word asz sound well we’ll(wheel) ways of eve(waves) re y function of mere(mirror) being being turning asz thoth(tsz) into y’all.

Thatz y x’eting//anding//duplicating is (Mr.) re asz on to laugh y/you (a)re asz of(f) being merely(mirror’ly) stare’ing out(x).