is that indivisible felt feel’d by(being y) y’all feeling that merely(mirror’ly) being being alone(indivisible).

Thus any any ANY field of view is merely(mirror’ly) an y y na/now feeling that being being feeled bio(((bi ‘o’- ABBC key 15 ayin/ay in/i\/I n am (that)(I am that))) fielding of view/you/y seer(one who sees) sight seeing out(x) asz though(tsz) x’eting//anding//duplicating an y y na t(h)ing(hey ting assembly//asz em(em or y) bly(being el y(y great go(a)d)) of thoth(tsz) forma’sszz z  z merely(mirror’ly) appearing//a pairing in(being be”am’ing) memory//mem man’as mind’or y//y’or mind.

In other word(s) any field of view/you feeling/fielding, any seer(one who sees) sight seeing (that) scene w(h)ile(cunning deadly daunting duplicity of y’or mind) being alone(indivisible) asz though(t) desperately separate may be recognized w/elevated emotion of gratitude asz divine opportunity to discern & pick up on that awareness of being that being alone(indivisible) is is in an y y na mere(mirror) sight of that that, unified field of view/you/y.

Thus in being that feeling alone(indivisible individual) that, I am grateful asz always feeling alone, in a crowd, in the air, underground, on water, in a crunch, at a party, riding horse, driving truck, hiking trail, climbing mountain, making love, fighting, foraging, in youth, in middle, end, & every breath that I am taking eve’n(a) asz’leep un(a)conscious(ness) in a chair being thankful for that one thing to count on always every time feeling that ever present feeling being that divine being alone(indivisible individual) in any field of view/you/y that awareness that I am is is that constantly computing constant, center centered centrality//pi vo’ting, completely complete completion, cCc’in seer sight seeing being merely(mirror’ly) being feeling alone.