in(being be”am’ing) e(iya)’turn’ity of y we all(wheel) keep turning, churning, & burning in a(A’ten)(binary) word forma’sszz z  z thoth(tsz), that great go(a)d of art(being) sigh’ence/breath breathed breathing/science in (wave)motion letter”all y word(sz)/numbers/symbols ma’ke(ma’s k – that A kurve”ence(occurrence) of ma’sz) way of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) function x pe(h)’re en c(ing) d(hi-to perceive)/experienced directly & periodically ka’s all y(causally) asz merely(mirror’ly) an y y na rolls//roles of complete d”ark’ness/(e)n ess(e)/being ark/kurve of d(hi)(ma’sz Empress’ion(i\/I on\/am) ‘na(DNA) y’ll/y will(wheel) in(being be”am’ing) denial keep on keepin’ on turning in word.