
is asz too(two/twy’is’t/x) being being = v(av)-ABBC key 5-repeated 5 times(f, u, v, w, y) in ‘modern’ Greco-Roman alphabeta- as t((h)at) n(un)(wwwwwwwwwww’ay of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) function ess(e) (as too(two) be being”a’s be”am’ing-reflection reflecting) vastness  of y x’eting/anding/duplicating endlessly (e’n’ d(hi)’ing/perceiving/desiring ‘el’/go(a)d ess(e)(being be”am’ing) ‘el'(go(a)d) y = eN’erg’y be”am’ing(in) sound(well/we’ll/y we all/y wheel/e’turn”all y y’all) way of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) function of function(eL–great Go(a)d//Thoth(tsz) of art(being) science/psy’eN’ce/sigh’ence in motion/breath breathed breathing letter”all y y’all)// endlessly.

Any any ANY hearing (((sense attributed to key 5))) {even ringing ‘in’ ears!!!} is mere(mirror) echo of that Ka’s mic(memory-intelligence-consciousness) mic’ro ro  ro’wwwwave’ing backg’round here heard (in) mere(mirror) an y y/you na(now) hearing(((here”in(being be”am’ing)))).

Thus y’all we all(wheel) turn that backg’round into a wall of time, a w’all(wheel) of e’turn’all y y’all (be)coming backg’round & around & around & around in(being be”am’ing) sound well/we’ll(wheel) ways of eve(waves) re y mere(mirror) function of speech.

Thus that(key 5-vau-repeated 5 times) vowwww/y turns into vox/voice(y w/that ‘simple’ twist(x) of destiny), the Divine Presence Mr. re point of view/you/y ‘anding’ x’eting//duplicating asz any an y mirror y na you now t(h)ing’k’ing x(out) appearing//a pair’ing asz too(two// twy’is’t(x)) in(being be”am’ing) sound ways of eve(waves) re y mere(mirror) function of ‘mouth as organ of speech, (e)s p(eh)–ABBC key 16–P x(out) (seer)siting(exciting) intelligence/awareness asz mode(l) of consciousness–e e ch’o”ing ka’s mic mic”ro ro  ro’wwwwwwaving ka’s all y(causally) way of eve(wave) re y bodhi being being to per(peh)’ceive to desire backg’round & around & around in that we all(wheel) turn to here/hear in now k(urving)’nowing (around) forma’sz sound meaning.