Th(e) World = ABBC key 21 -Th(e) wor(l)d asz m’ark th(at) k’urve’y k’urge(el)(cause el/universal go(a)d-go(a)l”d’en bodhi) of m(em or y/me or you) ‘ark(a’re ka) of thoth(tsz)(great go(a)d of art(being be”am’ing) science in motion breath breathed sigh’ence letter’all y y’all forma’sszz z  z sound meaning y we all(wheel) turn churn & burn merely(mirror’ly) appearing/a pair’ing e(iya) turn’lla’y y’all w(h)ile that(key 21), that ccc awareness(tsz) is motionless(ma’sz ‘otion (e)l”ess(e)-being being energy ‘o'(ayin/ay in/I am)”t(hat) ion\/I am) direction(d(h)i-to perceive (Mr.) re c(cc) t(hat) ion\/I am – center centered centrality -ccc – c’eer’r c’ee’ng c’ee’n – cCc – constantly computing constant pi-vot point of view/you/y .w(h)orl(d)’ing inspir(al)’ing d’na y’ll(denial) asz ignore-once intentional disregard(of that motionlessness of that ccc) turning into ka’s(k’urves) back’g”round in complete d”ark’ness of that ka’s mic ka’s all black bodhi experienced directly & periodically by y’all in the first place asz z  z”leep into un(a)(one-one ‘zero’-10-a’ten)consciousness.

Beyond = be’ing yo(u) (e)n’d(hi) (asz) too(two) perceive (e)n(key 13 way of(wave) function of mere(mirror//apparent//a pair’en’t) motion).

Place = particular(atomic/a’ten”ic/binary) point of view being that Mr. re pointless point of view/you/y locality location el o great go(a)d of art(being be”am’ing) science in mere(mirror) motion letter’lla’y”y’all c(cc) aton i\/I.

In other word(sz) that world beyond place is that point of view/you/y ‘(Mr.)re here now in that awareness that I am reading this.