Y y  y the weight of waiting???????????  Liberation in(being be”am’ing) y’all ways of eve(waves) re y mere(mirror) function functioning now (no w = na y = y na) a’sz that sheer duplicity IHVH – yod/you hey vav(and) hey – you being being breath breathed breathing.  Realize that ‘and’ – being being that awareness where A/Aten/a 10/a binary (e)n y y n(e) ess(e)(to(o) be’ing(s)) is is now(time/that I am) is,


is that a(Aten-10-binary) y’all ‘the’ w(h)ile(cunning mirage(mirror’age) appearing//a pairing by(being y asz x u’all) way of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) an y y na function being busy being busy) discerned apprehended picked-up realized asz that individual indivisibility experienced directly & periodically by(being y) y’all asz z  z”leep back(re/Mr. re) into un((a)-one)consciousness.

A’sz that invisible indivisible individual y y y’all asz z  z black ka’s mic ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi being merely(mirror’ly) being to perceive, to think, to wish, to desire asz too(two) function we all(wheel) turn burn & y”urn on & on & on into any y na bodhi//y/you asz (e)x u’all no(w) bodhi being being asz too(two) desire y asz (e)x.

A’sz that black(b”lack//b’ing lack’ing-being asz too(two) merely(mirror’ly) an y y(being) na(no(w)) being w/out(x)) bodhi is energy-en y erg(e) a’sz too(two) appear//a pair w/out(x) form’a”sz a(Aten-10-binary) mean(ordinary) w(h)ile – y (a’sz) el-great go(a)d of being w/out(x) – – -thus x’et’ing//x ‘anding’//duplicating x is tense(y you would be too(two) appearing//a pairing a’sz too(two) one(on e) singular first person(ic) present that that I am is is.

Thus y we all(wheel) turn energy(en y erg(e)) into one being w/out(x) ‘black’ness a’sz y’all that matter(sz) in(being be”am’ing) x is (now-no’w-no’y-na y-y na) (that) tense first person(ic)(((((((a’sz z  z sound ways of eve(waves) re y mere(mirror) function))))))) pre”sent[<L prae- before + esse to be(ing)] singular(indivisible individual) that awareness that w(h)are (e)n y ess(e)(to(o) being(sz) a(Aten-10-binary(bi na r(e) y – by being y na(appearing//a pairing an y y na/no/no’w) that that I am is is liberation while living.(& that ain’t all bad y’all?!?)