is that way of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) function of ‘length’ ((e)l en(y) g(go’ing – go(a)d’ing – gravitating) th(at)(awareness) a(A)’s  z z  z y y Y x(out)t’ent of in’t’ent (in(being be”am’ing)t’ent(t'(at/that ent’ity(sum t(h)ing/hey’ting(assembly of thoth(tsz) – great go(a)d of art(being) science in action/breath breathed breathing letter’y’all’y inward(being being word)), from beginning to end (appearing to disappear – being w/in now/no w/y//on y y no mere(mirror) being w/out of ‘blackness'(b”lack’n’ess(e)//to be ‘n’ being w/out) of that ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi experienced directly & periodically by(being y)’all a’sz z  z’leep back(Mr. re) into un(a)consciousness singular point of view/you/y now x(out) felt feeling field from that HEART(hey art – breath breathed breathing being) of complete d’ark’ness/eN circlement ess(e)-to be being w/in merely(mirror’ly) a’sz z  z w/out).

Thus any mere(mirror) wave length from beginning to end in(being be”am’ing) that way of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) function of z z  z causal y(ka’s y’all) ‘black’/being lack(ing)/being w/out(x) a’sz an y y na bodhi being being to perceive to wish to think from infinite(in being finite) potential beginning ‘blackness’/un(a)consciousness to ending asz same undifferentiated potential ‘blackness’/un(a)consciousness leaves in between mere(mirror) appearance/a pair’ance of z z  z y asz x is tense in desperation of d(hi)(to perceive) ‘separation’ in mem man’as mind’or y/memory/me or you.

Thus that being w/in indivisible point of view/you/y asz still(immortal) singular potential ‘black’/being lack(ing)/being w/out appears to appear only to disappear asz potential wave length//length’y way of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) function z z  z’leep  off a ledged now k’urved(k’now’ledge) around y asz x tension of appearing to disappear by fielding that point of view/you/y asz felt feel’d of LOVE SUPREME bliss y asz x-per’i’en’ced directly & periodically in(being be”am’ing) that singular ‘black’ bodhi being to perceive ‘awakening’, a way of ka en(d)ing asz too(two) forma’sz length of line(lie of ne/nun/no’w/no’y) mere(mirror) y no end to end, of appearing to disappear in for’ma(eve – nun)’sz a w(h)ile, cunning duplicity of z y/you a(Mr.)re an y y na(now) x(out – being w/out).