In(being be”am’ing) that great go(ad) ‘host’ of memory we all(wheel) turn struck by lightning moment by moment from above(ove ab/ove father/of sire – dhi sire to perceive that invisible indivisible individual now in time asz too(two) appear a pair asz me or you/memory hostess w/mostess.

In that we’re all ghost of memory.

In(being-the first place) that(A ware’n’ess(e)) we’re/weir(obstacle & opening) y’all g(h’ey’all)’o go  go   go’ing by by &  by(being y y’all a(A)long w(h)ile – cunning deadly daring duplicitous(there is only y y y you a(Mr.)re (that)) duplicity) (appearance/a’pair’ance) (e)s t((h)at) memory/mem man’as mind’or y/my/me or you.