You a(Mr.)re Y X is tense.

You would be(in) tense too if it(awakening asz awareness realized) happened to you eve’n(a) w(h)ile awake .

Would you be(in) tense w(h)ile asz too(two) being(sz)(in) memory/me or you awakening asz one(singular) realized awareness w(h)ile appearing (too a pair) asz (that) duplicitous duplicity eve’n(a) awake, aware still(immortal) of (that) awareness  of that being w/in(y) being w/out(x)?

Is it best asz too(two) being(sz) complacent mean(ordinary) being w/out (ignoring) (that) apprehending being w/in?

Are you Y  (yod/iota/I am that(that is is))  asz though(tsz) mem man’as mind’or y memory x(out un(a)known) is (that sum) ting, assembly asz though(tsz) being w/out in forma’sz (that) w(h)ile cunning tricky duplicitous duplicate asz though(tsz) of being w/in?

Are you why  (((((((((((((why why WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?))))))))))))   being w/out memory of being still(immortal) w/in form a’sz a w(h)ile continues?

Are you (that) y being w/out appearing(a pairing) asz memory/me or you being still(indivisible) w/in forma’sz a w(h)ile (that) continues//con (of ten – 1/0/1/0 etc.- appearing asz too(two) disappear) t((h)at)(dupey duped dope) in u(you) es(is)?

A (Mr.)re you, Y a’sz though(tsz) X(out un(a)known) in(being be”am’ing) memory of (appearing/a pairing asz) me or you, being w/out realizing being w/in(appearing, being (that) (in that)mere(mirror) being).