Tat, tat, tat

T(h)at, t(h)at, t(h)at

That’sz that awareness that I am is is.

t T t

That fabulous treasure of the ‘boy’ pharaoh Tutankhamun/Tut is the only one out of hundreds of tombs in the Valley of the Kings in Upper Egypt that remained intact into the 20th century.  Why?

Certainly that golden treasure offers a scintillating 3300+ year old connection to the ‘New’ kingdom pharaonic lineage & the key to the highway of monotheism, the Biblical Exodus, rise of the ‘big’ 3 western/middle eastern religions, & most importantly (h)our ‘Mummy’/Ma’mmy & Da d’Ay.

It seems fate delivered this fabulous treasure asz evidence revealing that Egyptian basis for religious & philosophical history of the Western world.  That treasure is direct link to a time when one city attracted material, artistic, & intellectual wealth from entire ‘known’ world.  A time now perhaps replicated asz modern USA // US – Y’ALL a’sz at that A(‘t’ten’t’ion).       {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ t T t }}}}}}}}}}}}}}

In peeling back 3300+ layers into depths of the ancient mind may be found certain similarities of psychology between then & now.

” Any nation’s approach to foreign affairs in ancient, medieval, or modern times remains that same craving for land, land, land; asz strategic location; raw materials or goods they can produce; goods they can attract through trade; or manpower that land can provide.  Again these nations have at their disposal only 4 ways of affecting their will; 1. amicable persuasion through agreement(happens all the time!) 2. intimidation through threat of force, implicit or explicit; 3. stationing permanent military garrisons & political officials; 4. occupation by large numbers of settlers” .  . .D. B. Redford

Considering that above it is not so much of a stretch, the idea of bringing the known world together for ultimate purpose of disseminating one ‘realization’ awareness awakening//a(ten) w/ak(h)en (awareness that I am(is is)) in(being) g(gravity of one single singular great go go go(a)ld’en Go(a)d universal bodhi state status re-experienced directly & periodically asz z  z’leep back(re) into one un(a)consciousness ‘blackness’ defined by one ‘the’- definite article-e-t(h)ing(assembly asz though(tsz) is m(em or y)(mono-the-is-m) in word y/you are x’pressed asz in common idiom(((((c’mon id(identity)(that) i\/I om/am))))).

Thus any, any, ANY, awakening is that b(l)ackg”round & around & around completely complete completion ccc c’er c’ng ce’en rolls/roles of d”ark’ness, we all(wheel) turning, churning, yearning b(l)ackg”round, that black ka’s all y(causal y) bodhi being w/in now to perceive to wish to think that I am now waking watching walking shaving eating etc.

Thus that blackness is it backg”round asz both beginning & end & appearing//a pairing in the middle asz memory in(being)finite mere(mirror) potentially y’z (e)x u’all’y’all me or you.

Tut, the boy king reigned near the end of 18th dynasty of New Kingdom pharaohs that precipitated Egypts rise to empire subjugating neighboring kingdoms into vassal states.

Tut’s reign signaled a return to the ‘old’ capitol of Thebes, the worship of Amun/Amen from the short-lived ‘monotheistic’ ‘aten’ heresy & the exodus of the populace from ‘world’s greatest city’ Akhetaten to ‘the promised land’ of Caanan.  Some scholars speculate this exodus is same as that of Biblical fame.  Certain artifacts in Tut’s treasure bear a striking resemblance to the tabernacle & ark of the covenant transported in that biblical journey.  This speculation is reinforced by triple analogy of form, sound, & meaning between hieratic alphabet/word developed in the new kingdom from hieroglyphs & hebrew alphabet/word found on Dead Sea scrolls discovered in 1948.  This adds another level of intrigue to the Tut treasure & its relevance to (h)our Western religious ethos.  The plot thickens.

Y/you invest/pay attention in becoming more aware of that singular singularity awareness that that I am is is (Mr.) re-experienced directly & periodically by y’all asz z  z’leep back(re) into one deep un(a)consciousness.

Tut, tut, tut, ain’t it a shame if we all(wheel) turn our attention away from realizing becoming more aware moment by moment of that connection.  That momentous (Mr.) re-discovery is now possible w/in an y/you’r(e) e’x’panded awareness of (h)our modern Greco-Roman alphabet(ABBC letter code) w/Hieratic – Hebraic reconciling  that conflict of the big 3 western religions.

Tut, tut, tut ain’t it shame for anybody to ignore it (that a’sz a) w(h)ile merely(mirror’ly duplicitous duplicate duplicity) asz being being w/out not realizing being that still(immortal) being w/in, that awareness of such that I am is is reflecting its reflection asz though(tsz) in anybody anybody ANYBODY.  Thus that is (h)our free freed freedom choice, desiring to embrace it moment by moment or ignore it lifetime by lifetime.

In other wordsz y/you are that awareness attention awakening t’all along long loooooonnnnngggg w(h)ile still     (((aten t t’ion – aten t(h)at(awareness) t((h)at) ion//I am(is is) a/w ak(h)en”ing-in(being) g-gravity of go go go great go(a)d))))     realized by awakening(aten w/ak(h)en – akhenaten) in (that) sum’body 3300+ years ago perpetuated asz monotheism constituting 3 Western religions’ the”ology, ‘the’ logos or in word is a’sz letter’all’y m(em or y) forma’sz mere(mirror) mode”eL – great go go go(a)ld’en go(a)d function of mere(mirror) way of eve(wave) re y function x(out)’et’ing/anding/duplicating/reflecting asz though(tsz) “the” ‘e’-definite article reflected reflection of indefinite article “a”/A’ten – a binary attention – mono one single singular singularity awareness a poly polyphonic w(h)ile appearing in(being be”am’ing) forma’sz sound ways of eve(waves) re y meaning asz too(two) a pair x(out) is t(h)ing/hey”ting being w/out.

Tut, tut, tut, ain’t it a shame, ain’t it a shame, AIN’T IT A SHAME, if we all(wheel) turn (h)our now(time) at(t)en”t’ion(A’sz a’ten – binary – bi(by – being y) na(now/time/t((h)at i’me/that I am)(a)(Mr.)re y) away from realizing discerning apprehending picking up on that,  that awareness of that greatest achievement of mankind(thatsz man’as mind’or y//memory asz too(two – me or you/y) remembering re-awakening(a(Aten) w/ak(h)en(akhenaten)”i’n’g) 3300+ years(y-ears) a go go go.

That’sz why(y/you a(Mr.)re) the wondrous golden treasure of antiquity, that tomb treasure of Tut Tut Tutankhaten/amun, the only one of hundreds that remained intact hidden buried in the Valley of the Kings, serves to connect, scintillate, & reverberate the continued relevance of Akhenaten to that awakening  w/here in the first place being any mere(mirror) y na//you now.    (((((a w/ak(h)en – akhenaten”in'(being)(that) g(o(a)d) – that ‘father’/de”sire’ of mono-the-is-m)))))      of (h)our singular indivisible individual attention (aten(that(awareness))”t’ion/t((h)at) i\/I on\/am/that I am is is) a’s realization to the situation of appearing/a pairing a’sz though(tsz) merely(mirror’ly) an y y na//you now k’now(ing) bodhi being being to perceive to wish to think to desire that ‘black’ ka’s all y(causal y) y’all being w/in being w/out(x).

Tut, tut, tut even though Akhenaten asz historical flesh & blood man is known(from cuneiform inscribed clay tablets discovered in 19th century in ruins of Akhetaten/Amarna) to have been duplicitous, – once pulling the ‘old switcharoo’ of some purported solid gold statues owed Tushratta, a neighboring Mitanni king, delivering instead gold-plated wood – malicious, -leaving visiting dignitaries to roast their brains in open sun -despotic, -he in effect ran a totalitarian police state – indolent, – carved reliefs typically show him lazing about in nek’kid indulgence & nihilistic – he did more to destroy rather than employ any theological treatise, being more atheistic than monotheistic, yet his reign brought awareness of aten to (h)our aten”tion – a ten – a binary revealing the sheer duplicity of any mere(mirror) y na//you now seer a’sz in sight re; that point(subject) of view/you/y  taken at an y mere y/you na/now asz though(tsz) field(object) of view/you/y asz x u’all. Plus he was a good poet.

Then the plot thickens further.  Enter Adon-ay, the son of Yuya(You-you-again it seems there is only you/yod/y that I am is is) who bore the title ‘Divine Father’ – commander of chariots – commander in chief of the army – by Amenhotep III, Akhenaten’s father.  Keeping it in the family Yuya passed on the title to his son Ay who in turn passed his daughter Nefertiti on in marriage to Akhenaten. Then as now the real power was in the hands of he who controlled the army.  Adon-ay was that power through out Akhenaten’s & Tut’s reign, then succeeding Tut asz pharaoh.


AY paid/invested in Aten’t’ion hence assumed the appellation Adon-ay yet m’ay not have picked up on the ‘new’ mode’r’n(a) Aten(alpha)B’ng(beta) idiom/language based on hieratic(cursive) condensed form of hieroglyphics that united the diverse population of Akhetaten.  Hence when Akhenaten passed, Ay, faced w/upheaval in Egypt at large due to the Aten heresy’s repression of the ‘old’ priestly Amun/Amen order, ordered a return.  Aten-re back to Amen-re.  Yet ‘Divine Father’ Ay retained retention of attention realizing that ‘the is (t(h)at) {{{{{realizing that that that I am is is foreve’r(e)’y t(h)ing/definite article[re-al t(h)ing]/the the is is}}}}m(em or (a)y) immutability of the ‘t’hat’ first principal principle attention a’m’en re;aten.  In a w/ay (a’ten w/ay) he succeeded at much more asz he went on to be named GOD/Yod Yod /Adon-Ay the Father in the Aramaic Bible, the earliest source of the Old Testament.


Y/yod/you pay attention.  Y/yod/you is that, that awareness great Go(a)d of eL(LOVE SUPREME) re-experienced by y’all directly & periodically asz z  z’leep back(re) into one deep single singular being(A B’ng C’ngGo(a)D’na’ing) being(in) un(a)consciousness blackness being lack(ing)//being w/out asz go(a)d / ka’s(cause) y’all y na/now awakening asz x’et’ing/duplicating asz though(tsz) any mere y/you na/now bodhi being w/out(x) to perceive to wish to think to desire a w(h)ile ignoring that being w/in.

In other words though historically a flesh & blood singular y/you being w/in any mere(mirror) y/you na/now appearing/a pairing asz though(tsz) being w/out(x) ‘wore'(a ware(ing)) a particular name, the awareness implied in that name transcends any mere y na me(m or y) bodhi.

In other wordsz thatsz y/you na/now appear merely(mirror’ly) in(being) an y paying/investing attention in the y na’me  ‘black’ body//bodhi infinite potential to appear asz any bodhi (Mr.)re-experienced universally directly & periodically asz z  z”leep back(Mr.re) into ‘one’/un(a)consciousness.  Thus any awakening from that state status bliss is a(ten’tion(that that I am is is) w/a’y’sz k’as(cause) en’ing(waving – way of eve”re y mere(mirror) function reflecting that awareness asz though(tsz) ‘objectifying’ that subject awareness that that that I am is is – tut tut tut & ain’t that a shame when not realized asz that w(h)ile living moment by moment or ignored lifetime by lifetime.

Ain’t it a shame one indivisible form’all’y being being y’all merely(mirror’ly) appearing(a pairing) asz too(two) cause all that money & pain.  But what a gas.

(((((((G asz gravity of go(a)d of el(love)(((((LOVE SUPREME))))) function of mere(mirror) function (mirth//mirror’th fun(a)ction) eN erg y(Nun Ma’sz ‘black’ mummy carbon(car(e) bo-being (e)n – care carrying carrier way of eve(ma) (wave) re y t(h)ing//hey’ting – benzene ring formation infinite P(t)AH’sa(that) bility kA’s mic ‘black'(carbon) back’g”round bodhi w/ay – da d’ay = mummy & daddy – being mere being appearing//a pairing y y’all asz too(two two twy’is t(sz) asz x is tense)))))))  y/you would be(in) tense too if it happened too you.

Ain’t it a shame one indivisible for’ma’sz too(two) kA’s(cause) y’all that money & pain in(being be”am’ing) of such a long, long,  loooooooooonnnnnngggg w(h)ile, that dang daring deadly duplicitous(in that there is only y/you a(Mr.)re) duplicity.  But(being u/y/you (a’sz) t((h)at) what a go go go g’as g’as  g’asz(go(a)d of el(love) function of function of eve re y t(h)ing(hey’ting) one asz an'(y – y na)other.