It, realizing being that being, is of such a gas, gas, GAS !!!!!!!

It seems we all may turn, churn, & burn on & on & on ad infinitum w/out realizing y – y you’re you(y y y).

Thatsz a gas in(being) itself!?!  At least until becoming a’ghast w(h)ile appearing to disappear.

Thatsz the sweet & sour pickle of being alone(indivisibly singular) now(time) asz though(tsz) in memory(the ‘or’y of man’as mind’or y) appearing a pairing asz me or you(memory) (asz) a w(h)ile in(being be”am’ing) still invisible indivisible individual awareness.

Thus liberation w(h)ile living by realizing why(y) is that point of view/you/y means merely(mirror’ly) paying attention (asz too(two) in(being be”am’ing) the sum(sa’me) of one cent(sent) (from above).

That sorrow of appearing asz too(two) then disappearing, even asz youth into old age gasses up valuable interest in realizing y y Y – y you’re; you.

It seems realizing y you’re; you analogous to trying to join two ‘like’ polar magnetic ends.  Being that that I am is is that same being y’all along, being only asz though(tsz) opposite or separate from being y you’re; you, you may naturally repel/ignore attempts to re; ‘join’ y you’re; you in any way other than merely(mirror’ly) y na/ you now ‘pointed out(x)’ asz that that I am is is.

In other word(sz) we all(wheel) turn naturally away from being still(motionless immortal immortality) asz ‘motion’ is way of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) function fun ‘ny(a)(y na)ction of appearance/a pair’ance of y asz x u’all(y’all) forma’sz(ma’ss) a w(h)ile that dubious duplicity of life & death.  Motion is the mere(mirror) function of death/life, a w(h)ile(wily asz being!!!!) still that motionless center centered centrality ccc seer sight seeing(scene asz though(tsz) a motion picture.  Y you’re; you gotta admit it’s a gas gas GAS; go go great GO(A)D A’SZ any mere(mirror) y na you not now a(A) y’ll d’na(denial)(you appearing a w(h)ile (the or y of DNA memory) ‘black’ bodhi – invisible indivisible micro-macro ka’s mic ka’s y’all(causal y) the or y asz though(tsz) in mem or y man’as mind’or y completely complete completion ccc appearing a pairing of being lack(ing)(black), being y you’re; you(appearing a pairing) w/out(x).

Invest attention in that, that interest in realizing discerning apprehending picking up on y y Y – y you’re you & you being y’all alone.

Thatsz y we all(wheel) in turn(ing) suffer in the first, middle, & last place, mostly from (h)our own indifference ignore-ance denial(y’ll d’na) ‘black'(being ‘lack'(of interest in realizing y you’re you – yYy) ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi of infinite potential asz one now too(two) appearing a pairing a’gain(only asz though(tsz) too(two)lose) a’gain & again & a gain.  That is until becoming aghast at being a gas asz y’all that matter’s = 98+% hydrogen/helium!!!!!enough asz too(two) blow y you’re; you mind(or y).