X posing asz in (h)our(time) role acts the part of double agent.

X(un(a)known/ one known(objectified) asz though(tsz) y na me(m or y))(an y(bodhi)merely(mirror’ly duplication)y na you now posing asz though(tsz) named ‘x’) posing in the or y you y’ll(while of space) (h)our(time) role(karta-karma/actor-action) plays out(x planes) the(or y) p’art(power of being sound ways of eve’ll(wave will)) of double(mirror duplicate of man’as mind’or y asz though(tsz) appearing a pairing of invisible indivisible individual) agent(do’or way of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) function of any(mere-mirror duplicating) y na you not(positive negativity denial w/intent of ignore-ance of still(motionless immortality) being w/in that awareness that I am is is now appearing a pairing asz x’u’all(y’all).

Thus x posing asz y you’re; you now out(x) x-turn(ing)(mirror’ly asz though(tsz) the or y of man’as mind’or y)’all y(externally) y’all asz we all(wheel of fortune or mis(sed)fortune(samsara/sorrow)) turning b(l)ackg’round churning burning yearning around & around & around in(being be”am’ing) completely complete completion-ccc roles/rolls of d”ark’ness(d”ark of covenant w/great go go go(a)d of energy asz thoth(tsz)) plays out(x posing) in you ni/na(y na) verses(mere-mirror roles/rolls) of that still(motionless) free freed freedom standing state status star’e y.

The moral of that star’e y y you’re; you now in any mere(mirror duplicate) y na you not(you asz x’u’all(y’all) unified(you now function of mere(mirror) being) role must fear not(a na y) being in a w(h)ile(cunning deceit duped by appearing asz though(tsz) that role/roll of complete d”ark’ness)(w(h)ile) still free freed freedom.

Still it is up to you & you alone to realize discern apprehend pick up on why, why why why why why why why y y y y y y y y y yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy you’re; you moment by moment or y na you now appearing asz though(tsz) lifetime after lifetime.

That role is eternal(e/the turn(ing) al(l) of we all(wheel-karmic wheel of samsara sorrow into one appearing asz too(two) (the’n y) disappear) turning churning burning on & on & on yet now(y ‘et/and/or now(time after time after time)) still(motionless) at pi’vot(vow/vav/and(ing)) point of view/you/y being y y y y y y y y y you’re; you in the first place(now duplicating asz though(tsz) for’ma’sz(mass) a second or two).  Realize that or(the or y of man’as mind(infinite potential) y appearing a pairing in me or you(memory) burn on forma’sz(ma’ss) eternity.

Y X posing  the role of double agent is a priori to finding meaning in any(y na) life.

Forget notorious double agents like Guy Burgess, Mata Hari, or Ashran Marfan , this is y you’re; you & you alone now & possibly for ever(eve re y now(time) & then).