Y X is T.

Y as’z eX is t/+, ABBC key 21 T/Th tav, signature x m’arks the spot, the point of view, of you, of y around now awhile as’ ex un(a)known, one objectified m’ark, memory k’urve asz though’t(that) appearing a pairing in turning out(x) rolls/roles of y you’re; you as’z ex’u’all(y’all).

Y X is t(that) as’z though’t appearing to disappear in complete d”ark’n’ess(e) or to be eN y roles/rolls of m'(man’as mind’or y/memory/me or you) ark k’urving now’n y b(l)ack(re’el)g’round & around & around e(the)turn’ll’y y’all we all(wheel) of fortune or mis(sed)fortune, for t((h)at) u ne verse, the e star’e y of x et’ing anding duplicating any mere mirror duplication y na’t’u’re(not now that you are – denial of being that being) y you’re; you.

Thatsz y you now(time) awhile(space) appear as’z though’t x is ting(assembly of thoughtsz) un(a)known(one objectified) y na me(m or y) asz too(two twa twy’is’t) a y’ll d’na(denial) in(being be”am’ing) one invisible indivisible individual in the first place still at last.

Thatsz y realizing discerning apprehending picking up on y you’re; you is primary why, for what purpose we all in turn(in’g) churning burning yearning appear asz too(two) exist(x being being y that I am is is).