Why settle for mere mirror being, beyond sheer ways of(waves) mirror function, aware of any mere y na Y awareness only as eX u’all, y’all(sexual) out(& about gettin’ crazy) now awhile a’s though’tsz appearing a pairing, after fully realizing being w/in being still complete completely invisible invincible indivisible individual Y, y you’re; you in the first place? Why? or why na?

Mere* mirror reflection on feeling it, feeling being alone, feeling that feeling, is still realizing fully** the complete immutable non-attachment of it, the completely complete completion, cCc’ng free freed freedom of being it, y, y you’re; you, y’all along.

That’sz about freedom, a beautiful thing, freedom now, freedom forever

*mere adj – being nothing more or less than that – that awareness that that I am is is.

**Feeling being alone is truly universal. Just ask anyone. We all(wheel) may turn away from that feeling by associating it with loneliness, despair, desolation, etc. or turn toward it for detachment, solitude, seclusion. Then again find it even while actively engaged in the most collective endeavor. Thus there is a fullness, an ever presence, an inescapable reality to feeling being alone as by that being y, y you’re; you, comes realizing, discerning, apprehending being still motionless immortal immortality. Embrace it moment by moment or deny it lifetime by lifetime. That is (h)our(y’our) free choice now awhile at any time or place.