It’s OK to find yourself complete & thus completely free of the tyranny of being y’ll DNA merely living as though born.

It’s OK to find, to realize, to pick up on being yourself, indivisible invisibility complete & thus completely free of the seeming absolute power of appearing y’ll DNA as ancestry, family, name, or even any x’s ting information. Being yourself y’all along that absolute power is in fact in the’or’y invincibility of or y by being y that invisible indivisible individual is is.

Thus that absolute power philosophically rests a’sz z z ultimate basis/purpose/why/y of y’all thought, reasoning, being in the first place that O(ayin or a y in) Ka’mic ka’s mic ka’s y’all eve’re’y bodhi body being still invisible indivisibility now awhile appearing as though out x’s ting information with intent of any mere mirror potential* y na y’ll D’NA/denial of intentional disregard of being completely complete completion free freed freedom from any mere mirror y na you not now y’ll d’na appearance of any ancestry, family, name, or form you now still being that invisible indivisible individual that that I am is is.

*Potential as though, as thoughtsz y’ll(y will/y wheel/y we all) turning into man as mind or y mem or y of me or you by will of her eve’re’y black mirror seas bodhi to be by perceiving being lacking(black’ing out(x) – turning spinning out roles of complete d”ark’ness.