Potential paradox of Mr. re;y ‘why a blind calf chases its tail?’  It seems objective would be to try and catch that which a blind calf could never conceive as being  or not being other than attached to the one chasing it. Reason may be ‘catch it’ before energy expires or expire energy to end futile quest to acquire that which is never other than that one chasing it.  Of that I am wondering.

We all(wheel) may turn asz too(two) see this potential problem for us, if not for the blind calf.  Perhaps absorbed in the ‘blinding’ complete darkness that I am experiencing directly & periodically a’s purely asz z  z”leep b(l)ack(Mr. re’y) into being complete d”ark bodhi(eve’re’y body) that I am w/infinite potential causality, we all(wheel) may turn to desire asz too(two) find my(memory) answer(remember remembering a y you a’re’y’all that awareness that I am is is). In ‘light’ of that complete completion d”ark’ness roll/role, that I am turning into asz z  z’leep in(be”am’ing) e(y) turn’ity, realize calf chases tail because, apparently s’he can.  Thatz z  z y we all(y wheel) are turning & turning & turning black’g’round & around & around into appearance/a pair’ence of ‘facing’ that tail/tale by mere(mirror) function of opening mouth asz supernatural su’personic organ of speech speaking word(sz) to release that tale(tail) apparently because my(memory) of that we all(wheel) can take (h)our turn turning y into y not/y na/a na y t(h)ing’k’ing that I am is is born to ‘chase’ that tale of any roll/role.

Could calf be in reality w/out potential actuality/function of mere(mirror) function?  By what? For what? To what? & why?

By by bi……..Alo I……..by the way I is = I’s = is(ness)= I’sis

By the way I is, that I am .

By the way, I is that I am.

By the way I is that, I am.

“The true man of ancient times knew nothing of loving life, knew nothing of hating death.  He emerged w/out delight; he went back in w/out a fuss.  He came briskly, he went briskly & that was all.  He didn’t forget where he began; he didn’t try to find out where he would end.  He received something & took pleasure in it; he forgot about it & handed it back again.  This is what I call not using the mind to chase the Way, not using man to help out Heaven.  This is what I call the True Man.”                              Chuang Tzu on the Way of Tao

How is a man to live in a world dominated by chaos, misery, & suffering?  Perhaps we all(wheel) may turn to find in y’all that, true reason for a being, in the first place realizing the complete non-attachment of that, ~~~}}}}}}hermetic hermit herhimit hermes yod/you/y{{{{{{~~~that that I am is is//I’s is y you’re; you.  Remembering THAT that I am is is the sacred vow repeated 5 times in our modern Greco-Roman version of ABBC; f,u,v,w, & the fifth time as Y, that vow asz x ka’ing y na an y; why WHY WHY ??? yYy???y you’re; you???  Why, the quest question questioning why is the reason for being when we all(wheel) only turn to appear to disappear?  But of course there is drugs, sex, & rock ‘n roll!?!?!?!.

Then, as now, it seems we all(wheel) turn to begin because of that a na y en’d(hi)’ing/a being(A, being in the first place)(A being, still in the first place alone indivisible in’visibility) now appearing out around k’nowing(k’no no no’wing positive negation) it(a being) to perceive en y function functioning asz too(two) in(a being) mere(mirror duplicity) function of ka’s y’all(causal y k’no no no’wing ka’s mic memory) potential to begin in a y’ll/w(h)ile, that cunning daring dangerous duplicating duplicity of z y x’eting/(h)anding out(x) in mere(mirror) way of eve(wave) re y function of fun’ny’a’ction man’as mind’or y/memory reflecting that hermetic herhimit hermes/yod/you/y you’re you(yyy???) that I am a’s supernatural thoth(tsz) superimposed inward(word) forma’sszz y a being appearing/a pairing now out around k’nowing it a being a’s ex’u’all of that, that I am is is would have no other reason than mere(mirror) function, asz too(two) begin beginning is to end asz y one zero/ a ten y/aten ay/adon ay binary/by na re’y.  Beginning asz too(two) ending(s caused by opening mouth of a being in the first place now appearing out merely as thought’sz) asz one zero/a ten/a ad’d’ing on y must be still(immortal) A(ten) a singular simultaneous simultaneity in the beginning, middle, & end.  Once we all(wheel) turn to that b’lack’g”round desire to realize that we all(wheel) eve’n(a) appearing/a pair’ing y by x’eting/duplicating out(x) in e turn’ity of that we all(wheel) are completely complete completion in any or eve re’y body role/roll of the’n y(an y y na) as now, we all(wheel) turn to ‘pick up’ on (h)our free freed freedom that that I am is is asz the only free free FREEDOM thing in this lifetime.  That is the vow of a vow-el asz too(two) remember that takes’u’per-sonic’all’y y’all sound way of eve(wave) re y forma’sszz the relatively unimpeded passage of ka’s mic-memory-intelligence-consciousness ka’s all(causal) breath now (h)our(time) breathed breathing as forma’sszz z  z b”ark’ing that sound way of eve(wave) re y z z  z x pressing air(a i\/I (a)r(e)) by merely(mirror’ly) opening mouth asz organ of speech to reflect in voc’all(((((voice voicing)))))) a vow-el of a chord/accord/ark of covenant of that ka’s all(causal) ka’s mic mere(mirror) mic’ro  ro’w   ro’w   ro’w’ing rolling/role’ing b’lack’g’round.

Perhaps the greatest gift of ABBC is the way(the super imposed supersonic Way of eve re y wave) y’all in word fall out(x) b(l)ack(re’y) into letters y’all that instantly reveal asz the true sound way of eve(wave) re y x(out) sight’ment of that still(immortal) seer(A B’ng C’ng still in the first place) sight seeing forma’sszz being a being in the first place now k’now’ing that felt feeling field of view/you/y, that that I am is, was, & eve’re’y body will be that being a being that still in the first place alone indivisible in’visibility of any(a na y) individual.  Remember that.  REMEMBER THAT A BEING IN THE FIRST PLACE a’Re’y mem(ory) b(ing) er\/re; that eye of eve’re’y body.  That su’per sonic alphabeta letter all’y y’all binary by na re’y code can cut short preconceived in word forma’sszz mean means meaning & allow the seer, the one seeing that in word, to realize being still a being that seer sight seeing here hearing of letter all y y’all meaning of any word.

That Mr. re;y’sz  now k’no no no’wing projecting a’s thought’sz in actuality we’ll(wheel) turn asz too(two) find the 22 letter ABBC superior to its 26 letter Greco-Roman cousin in that.  In that, I am finding 2 forms of T as Th & T.  These 2 forms correspond to key 21 & key 8.

T / Teth , key 8 reveals itself in the word strength, the very property of being strong (from OE strang akin to strange < OF estrange <extraneus  < extra  on the outside) associated in ancient wisdom w/ the snake ((s)ophidian/ sophos wise).  That snake or serpent symbolizes in the way of eve(wave) re y function of fun’ny’a’ction mere(mirror) movement(((ove m/mem/mind’or y//memory))) as sublime subtle(((crafty duped duplicitous duplicating))) source of illusion.  Thus in the allegory of Genesis, the tempter is a snake & the devil is called the “old serpent”.  This serpent-power (a re’y’all of electro-magnetic waves) is the source of illusion & thus the “father of all lies”.  Yet when realized as that it becomes the e(iya) valuation of validation of our salvation.  Thus the great sorrow inherent in that transitory illusion of appearing to disappear in creation(kriya/action/function) offers infinite potential value for realizing great freedom as well as slavery.

That value, that ‘wanting to know’ y/why that I am is is the single qualification needed for realizing y that that that I am is is ignored.  WANTING TO REALIZE Y Y Y  Y YOU’RE; YOU IS SOLE SOUL PURPOSE of suffering this ‘mean’ life, beyond obvious y procreation y’all asz ex u’al(l)(y’all).

Teth, key 8, ends in th / Th / Tau, key 21, th’e m’ark of salvation as that Mr. re;y point pi vot of e turn’all life of any roll/role of that wheel(we all), that  pi vot point, permanence in the midst of impermanence, that center in the midst of any & y’all circumferential function roll/role of ka’s all(causal) k’now’ing(kurve’ing time) asz infinite potential asz too(two) y appear or y na(t) y  y’ll d’na(denial).  Thus that is A / a / Aten tau-teth.  Key 21 is the center of ABBC a’s that 3-D cubic house of mere(mirror) cards, that 5th dimension where all spatial relations are united in a single singular ‘here’ & all time relations in a single singular ‘now’.  That center = c’ng enter, in seer sight seeing we all(wheel) turn to enter, we all(wheel) turn to come or go into that tauteth, that subject of all teaching, that awareness that I am seer sight seeing eve’n(a) while reading or writing this.  Thus in time, Saturn, planet corresponding to Tau, being that y’all along, devours his own children, re-absorbs its own expression back into itself, b(l)ackg”round of y’all,  that ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi being to perceive asz any/a na y thoth(tsz) y x(out) t(h)ing’k’ing.  In(being) that seer sight seeing realize that whether we all(wheel) turn as too(two) being(s) aware of that y or y not, or a na y’ll (w(h)ile//duplicity of denial).  If we all(wheel) turn to trying a na y try’all(mere(mirror) function), we all(wheel) are bound in e turn’ity to fail to apprehend being being the motionless turning point/pi vot of y’all along.  If you think you are close(asz too(two) in(being) that singular point of view/you/y) then you are very far away.  Thus y we all(wheel) seem to keep turning to find Dominion & Slavery as the pair of opposites as mode(l) of consciousness attributed to Tau, key 21.  Picking up a’y value(e(iya)’valuation) for realizing that is the necessity for limitation & the secret(seek re t(hat)) of dominion.  Failing to ‘pick up’ that value of realizing that sum-thing(further ignore-ance of that sum thing) is causal(ka’s all bodhi) causality of apparent slavery.

In the key of 8 we find the symbol of infinity, a twisted circle((O X=8)) as that twist of d’na as ‘fait accompli’ already accomplished fact, whether we all(wheel) turn to realize that or not. Thus key to the strength of key 8 is real reality of ‘that accomplishment’ even when appearing as d’na y’ll(denial) thing in potential actuality function fun’ny’a’ctioning asz mere(mirror) simple twist of fate, appearing/a pairing asz too(two) in memory of seeming trying only to fail.

Taste is the sense, & digestion the function assigned to key 8.  In digestion we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) find feeding on feeding forma’sszz z  z e turn’ity, recalling the serpent biting its own tail(unlike that blind calf who it seems in that simple twist of fate never quite catches on to it, or does he?).  The serpent-power of electro-magnetism feeds on itself, perpetuates itself.  The sum(thing/that, that I am) total of the universal conscious energy(en y erg/urge(asz too(two) function)) remains ever the same, whether we all(wheel) turn to ‘pick up’ on that y or y na/a na y d’na y’ll, denial of it.  Hence the serpent(strand of d’na) on the caduceus(((that singular serpent ‘releasing’ its own tail/tale to appear/a pair as too(two) ‘face’ itself in that simple twist of a single fate))), the wand(coil) of Hermes(hermetic Herhimit Yod/You) re-presents the law of endless(unless or until we all(wheel) turn to realize it) transformation & super imposed super face’y’ll conversion in that actual(functional) causal state of infinite potential forma’sszz z  z e(ya) turn’ing y’all in e turn’ity.

That ABBC is in actual function a mere(mirror) mirage(mirror’age) asz 3-D cube or house of mere(mirror) cards reflecting reflection w/ 4 walls or faces w/floor face below & roof face above.  Each mere(mirror) face has 4 boundaries shared w/adjoining faces.  T/Teth, key 8 is the upper boundary of the northern face, point of junction between that face & the roof card key 1/B/Beta, the Magus.  The northern face is re-presented by P/Peh key 16, the ‘Lightning struck’ Tower, symbolizing that principle that all forms created in time are destroyed in time(Saturn devouring its children).  Thus Newton’s apple is bitten, masticated, & disintegrated in the chemistry of stomach & intestines.  This is analogous to the Tower key 16 as the Great House of Akhenaten, the golden city of Akhetaten destroyed in time for the Exodus of the monotheist priests of Yahwe(Yodheyvavhey), to the (ka)new Promised Land.

Leo, the Lion is attributed to key 8.  The Lion is symbol for Levi & the Levites, those warrior priests of Yahwe, the monotheists, the Yahuds, the tribe of Judah, that led the Exodus of the multitudes, the Israelites.  The astrological symbol for Leo is the serpent analogous to the spine & the nerve currents that flow from the sacral chakra, the central ‘holy of holies’ up to the brain in that spiritual journey from ‘as below’ to ‘as above’

That vow is repeated 5 times in Greco-Roman alphabet as F, U, V,  W, & Y.  In the original Hieroglyphic-Hebraic ABBC that vow is key 5, the Hierophant, the official sacred interpreter.  In the tetragrammaton vow/vav joins the repetition of hey(Great Lord Emperor breath breathed breathing) as a means of union.  Thus we find that direct connection of that su’per sonic Person, Purushaha, w/person-na showing a direct, first-hand periodic experience in realizing Yod/you in that hey-vav-hey duplicity.  You/Yod are that divine breath breathed b’re’a’thing.  That is the true sacred vow, the sacred promise to remember, to realize that a’s Y’all that I am is is reading or writing this.

“He that hath ears to hear, let him h’ear’th.”  That divine presence echoes in every voice, every sound is the way of eve(wave) re y echo echoing ka’s mic black”g”round that Divine Word.

Triumphant & Eternal Intelligence is the mode of consciousness corresponding to that vow.  That vow is to h(ey)’ear’th(HEY EAR’th) that inner voice.  That is the triumph over all obstacles that seem to st(r)and in d’na y’ll(denial) of the way of eve(wave) re y body a’s the Great Work & eternal as that, permanence in the midst of y’all impermanence.

“Master Sang-hu, Meng-tzu Fan, & master Ch’in Chang, 3 friends, said to each other,  “Who can join w/others w/out joining w/others?  Who can do w/others w/out doing w/others?  Who can climb to heaven & wander in the mists, roam the infinite, & forget life forever & forever?”  The 3 men looked at each other & smiled.  There was no disagreement in their hearts, so they became friends.”               .                                                            from basic writings of Chuang Tzu