High noon = noon = [OE non < L. nona/hora = ninth hour] that ‘space of time’ @ high zenith overhead before passing to binary of  ten,  often taken as lunch in fact as often a’s possible.

N = nun(pronounced ‘noon’) = that stuff potentially to stuff that w/stuff way of(wave/www=hieroglyph-N) which that I am is is www/na(positive ‘n’egativity) any an y y na me(m or y) of (that) seer sight seeing  y’all that (that) matter(s)(ma/eve) way of(wave) now k’now’ing out(x) up close and personal…….person al………..per son (y)’al(l)

N waves of any an y y na’mes a’s gold to bracelet. N(a) in every name(an y y na me(m or y)) a’s gold in every golden for’ma’sz bracelet.  Y N waves bestow for’ma’sz a’s gold filling every t(r)oo(th) w/ particular stuff made of N’ding/ending waves potentially propagating something more or less to be named @ app. time a’sz too(two) being being thought of a’s other than that I am y b’ing b’am’ing out(x) here now knowing.

OUTLOUDOUTLOUDOUTLOUDOUTLOUD !!!!!!!!!!@#$$$$%%%^&***((( )))

P / Peh key 16 in ABBC a’s / ph / f/ pe / pi / pee = mouth = pie mouth = pie (w)hole = pi whole = power of utterance/utter power. Out of it issue issues of life.

Peh direction = N. = N = nun darkness = sun’s annual death 4 3 days b 4 rising again.

Peh express scientific vibration active in seeing this screen = psychological force = psy co logos = word + psy = word + peh’sy / peh see {pussy-‘that cat’}

psy = pehsy= pussy= source/x + y= ni + y(ou)= yoni

Peh expression a’s psyco force destroying a’s SIVA re see va, destroy iconoclastic dogmatic structures in C-natural…in C/seeseeing, naturally.

Sticks/stickiness and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me(m or y).