A’s wholistic astrologers might find in that word, baresit, in the beginning a’s that 1st word of KJB(King James Bible) a’s b(e) a'(s) re sheet/sheen. That ‘sheen’, the tooth of the paper that grabs all that chalk passing over while chewing up a’s tooth of that mouth that I am using to tell typical information.

Elvis has left the house = El vis h as left the house/beth a’ = El/elohim/reality vis/visible/force has/v,t. indicative of I,you,we,they present left/exited/existed the house/beta =  Reality a’s visible force exits beta/ b’ing ( that I am a’s that potential 2 b)

Who killed Kennedy? = Who/ present possessive case a’s which or what persons…..can we identify, name that who? killed/caused death of Kennedy/ken-meaning to see, to know, to have knowledge a’s understanding ne/na/not dy/d=dhi=door/doer+y/you/yod? = Who /person killed/kil led/caused death(nun) of Ken/knowledge not door/doer you/yod =

Not who caused death knowledge (a’s) door/doer (2) you?

We may be asking, “Who kills & who is killed?”

Not ‘who’ but ‘you’?