may be that solemn promise to God \/ Goddess or to a deity or to a saint or to nun other than that realization of that I am wondering about that that I am wonder ring.  That ring of zy go matic bone that circumscribes eye viz ion w/ that horizon, hori zon of periphery of that hidden w/in yet to be orbited a’s unknown unmanifest potential infinity a’s being actually able to touch these keys.

Eye sees that thru that orbit & a’s that orbit a’s that cavity, that cave ity, limits what I see & what I know a’s 2 that found\/finding ation \/ at i on\/tat I am.

I see(m) to be mostly in the dark about that in that I am appearing to disappear.

That I am foundation = that I am finding ation \/  (t)at i on/am\/ma\ no

That vau letter repeats 5 times in the Greco-Roman BABCc a’s f, v, u, w, + y.

Y y a’s vau/vow? Is it you vowing to know you? Is that vow a’s wholy wholly grail ?????????????????????2222@@@@###$$%$$###@@@@2222????????????????????
