That I am, as food (ana) for thought, analogous in all being as that will(we’ll/wheel of fortune & mis(sed)fortune) turning hidden in y’all being(s), which does not appear/a pair y w/out(x) yet may be realized w/in(being) that subtle intellect when given as that singular Mr. re point of view(you/y) in all actuality(seer in a na y see’ng/scene).  Thus it seems that being is hidden in plain site, smooth seeing as though(t) mirroring still free star’ing of that Mr. re point of view/you/y.  That there may be an actual point to appearing to disappear is ever analogous to that Mr. re point of view(you/y) in any an y y na & y’all seemingly pointless activity(you ‘bring’ point of view(you/y) along w/you!  What is point of view/you/y other than to ‘point out(x)’ sum thing as though(t) any(a na y) thing’k’ing of y’all y’ll/y will/y w’ell/y wheel turn into turning away or turning our ‘back’/Mr. re point of view/you/y to it to w/stand/resist/ignore it by k’no’w’www’ng it as though(t) to be ‘beside the point’ in any(a na y)thing’k’ing).  Realizing that, the cosmic/ka’s mic life of a free standing of star’y’ing still stillness(immortal immortality) from above(ove ab/father/sire/dhi sire) now a’s though(t) reflected in k’as no’www’ng/ka’s’ing effect of dhi’na’y’ing/D’NA’ing y’all y’ll/y will/ y we’ll(wheel) turn in w(h)orl’d’ing in ka’s mic/memory-intelligence-consciousness no’w’wwww’ng no/na vos/vox/voice in that sound way of eve/na(wave) re y function of mere(mirror) opening of the mouth a’s x ka’ing y na quasars, neutrinos, & neutron stars etc., appearing/a pairing in ka’s mic polarity of free standing for Ma’s s  s. re y dios en’light’en’ment of ka’s mic da y light only to disappear in a singular black invisible invisibility (w)hole holiness of complete d’ark’ness/enrapture/en-rupture now ‘shot’ w/star’e”ring of a still free standing/status/mode of still stillness(immortal immortality) offers direct im’possibilities for singular personal/per son’ic  expansive contraction w/in that mind-blowing ka’s mic mirage(mirror-age) myriad(mirror’d) universe reflecting that awareness that I am is as though(t) appearing/a pair’ing in order of ka’s mic man’as mind as too(two) being(s) at tension(being at tension is singular point of view/you/y as though(t) out(x) under weight’ing/waiting of gravity of ‘passing’ away) in that actuality of infinite potential for pressure at tension of e-motion versus g-motion in m(’em or y)’otion/ocean waves(ways of eve/na) y.  That pressure, that weight, that waiting under gravity of death in life may produce gold & diamonds & precious metals beyond wildest imaginings when given any/a na y time w/out prejudice or ignore-ance of that timeless being, being that that I am is. Just as(justice) ka’s mic universe y na collapsing back in(being) on itself due to POW  POW   POW ‘er of e-motion to offset g-motion in mere(mirror) feeling/field’ing being alone(extraordinarily singular) echoing sound waves(ways of eve) re y y’all y’ll/y will-we’ll-wheel turn in formation of any thing’k issuing from mouth as organ of speech apparently/a pair’ently for ma(that eve’ll ma/eve will ma/eve we’ll ma/eve wheel turning into for ma(y’all that ‘ma’tters).

Thus in any beginning there is sound ways of eve’n(a)(waves) re  y/a na y function in merely(mirror-ly) echoing reflection/resistence of apparent/a pair’ent polarity for Ma’s s  s re y dios turning on a dime/dhi me(m or y) as though(t) in formation of that ‘vibration’, that apparent/a pair’ent movement back & forth between being free standing ‘pole’/’log’/re y star’e’ing straight from above & appearance/a pair’ance of any(a na y)thing’k’ing of that as though(t) w/standing resisting singular pole”arity now k’no’wwwww’ng/denying/DNA’ing x(out) other y’s as ana(a na y)log’s.{any thing’k’ing analogous to sum thing now as though(t) else(el/’urge’ency of (that) se\/es se\/being}.

Words as letters of that, which then provide non-prejudicial word form = alphabeta-binary code, binary of singular potential y now x(out) in zero/z’ero’s actual function = ABBC.  In sight of Hieroglyphic Hebraic Phonetic Greco-Roman symbols ABC—-XYZ = in psy’t/man’as y mind of A to Z/ a to z’ero’s/z’eros/ LOVE SUPREME z’ z’  z’   z’ ayin/s’word ‘dividing’ as though(t) a’s’word form’ing/cleaving in sound waves(ways of eve) re y dias/dios in n(a)’otion of a na y function in mere(mirror) opening of the mouth to vibrate breath breathed.  Now vibration activates in psy’t/man’as mind as though(t) inward(word) formation reflected in any(a na y) mere(mirror) thing’k’ing of intentional disregard/ignore-ance/resistance in awareness of that singular thing’k’er(eve’re y) single thing’k’er is that extraordinary singularity eve’n(a) y’all y’ll/y will/ y we’ll/ y wheel of fortune & mis(sed)fortune turn as though(t) into being(s) being now k’no no no’w’ing other y’s!  Thus we’ll/wheel in all ways of eve(waves) re y turning x(out) to begin by ignoring/k’no’www’ng y’all around the free star’ing still stillness/immortal immortality awareness that I am is in favor of any/a na y thing’k’ing as thoughts of being other y’s for any(a na y)other you’se).  Thus y we’ll/y will(wheel) turn into any thing’k’ing of being other y’s y’all y’ll remaining still in the pivot(pi-indeterminate absolute relationship of Ma’s s  s re y dias/dios to any circumferential ka’s all(causal) bodhi being to perceive effect of complete d’ark’ness/encirclement/enrapture vot/vox/voice) of center centered centrality.

Thus any thing’k’ing mirrors mirage(mirror’age) universe.  How many mirrors does it take to reflect infinity?  How many mirrors between you & universe writ’ large?  Could it be only as many as you thing’k?  Is there any thing’k’ing between you & y that I am reading or writing this?

ABBC offers word in sound letter as well as letter in sound word which = sacred in secular, cosmic in that comic folly of appearing/a pair’ing as too(two) being(s) someone(sum of one zero/z’ero’s/complete d’ark’ness/encirclement/enrapture of LOVE SUPREME) other than that, that cosmic, that ka’s mic-memory-intelligence-consciousness, that awareness that I am is is.  In(being) that ka’s mic life is the wholly/holy w(h)orl'(d)’ing ‘mirage’/mirror’age in ‘fi’nit’ing’/n’d’ing potential to reflect/deflect any thing’k’ing as though(t) too(two) appearing/a pairing in polarity of duality in opposition of mem or y/me or you/mind or yod.  Sum thing inseparable now(in k’no’wwww’ng) appears/a pairs as too(two) divide between that sum thing(indivisible) & any(a na y) thing(a na thing y).  in that word an/a na y we’ll(wheel) of fortune & mis(sed)fortune turn as though(t) sum y thing invisible & indivisible now(time) into k’now’www’ing a na y thing’k as though(t) definitely(da finite ka’s all(causal) body/bodhi/being to perceive) appearing/a pair’ing as other y’s for other you’s(e) in a you’s full do’ality/actuality.  Thus word/log’o’s of a na y/a na log(‘pole’/r’ay of Ma’s s  s re y dios) y’all is that agreement/covenant/accord/a chord of a na y sound/healthy/well/we’ll(wheel)complete d’ark’ness/encirclement/enrapture/bliss/ LOVE SUPREME from above(ove ab/father/sire/dhi sire) for infinite potential of a na y thing’k’ing/k’no’w’ing/reflecting/resisting in polarity at tension of w/standing still(immortal/indivisible) as though(t) ‘vibrating’ Mr re point of view/you/y ‘re’verberating/word’erating between/be(ing)tween/twin/twine inspir(al)’ation in psy’t/man’as mind y’all y’ll remaining still free star’ing.

In that similarity w/out identity according to word toward relating otherwise dissimilarity an\/na  a greement \/ a g of re em eya nun tauteth\/the taut g’s eya nun geeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzz eya nun a’s an\/na other than that taut gee’s n’ding 2 words towards b’ginning 2 shin to shine a’s n eve r b 4.

6 – 3 – 2013 -two dead stars \/ neutron stars collided in constellation Taurus.  This cosmic event produced enough energy to be seen across the visible universe & fused enough gold to form 20 earth sized planets. One teaspoon of neutron star = 5 billion tons!  When considered as analogous  to being that planetary human, this event offers on the whole, a NEW DIMENSION of being based on a principle of cosmic mirage(mirror’age) order star'(t)ing a’s though(ts) from above to reflecting as though(t) polarizing in that all too(two) human(hue & cry of man’as mind) reliance on the planetary social concept of law(el ‘aw/awe of el/urge/go’a’d of ka’s mic direction) & order of magnification of that singular reflection.  In that mirage/mirror’age order may be found an instantaneous infinite repetition of singular apparent/a pair’ent being being as though(t) at tension of any(a na y) mere(mirror) thing’k’ing of an y y na direction w/standing still y’all y’ll/y will/ y we’ll/ y wheel as though(t) turn into being other y’s for other you’se.  In fact we’ll(wheel) n’eve’r(e) turn in order to ‘leave’ our ka’s mic free standing center centered centrality, y na an y matter what the apparent order of magnification of any(a na y) direction of reflection/resistance/denial/d’na y’ll eve’n(a) turning in mere(mirror) y function of opening mouth organ of speech vibrating/Mr. re ‘verberating’ a na y thing’k’ing of speed of light.

Two lovers strolling on a secluded walk … “In order to respond fully to the potentialities released by a sense of identification w/a greater{ka’s mic} whole{sense/essence of feeling/fielding being alone(extraordinarily singular)}, the human being should be [find/realize] himself whole. An interplay of {apparent/a pair’ent} bi-polar energies is needed to provide a sustained & dynamic resonance to any superior & encompassing form/for ma’s s  s of life{in the singular mirage/mirror’age world}.  This may imply a temporary w/drawal from routine activity, i.e. a ‘secluded’ process.  It is not, however, a closed process.  The positive & negative polarities do not meet in a closed circuit, reconstituting a neutral state of potentiality.  They operate in dynamic, open, unresolved togetherness (singularity ignored still y’ll) in contact w/the surrounding (ka’s mic) energies of nature.”                                          .                                                                 Dane Rudhyar-An Astrological Mandala

This ‘lovers’ symbol so aptly expresses the dynamic to that ‘key to technique” or means to ‘establish’/ realize that wholesome / whole/ holy consciousness to find that ‘go(a)ld’ w/in every individual.  Anyone may walk in nature, may realize that natural being denied when we spend our time only thinking, especially in that mindless distractive way of looking at type print or e-technology, before seeing/realizing completely that whole that I am, even w/a laptop on a lap.  Seeing is always open, even w/eyes closed or blinded.

REALIZE THAT INFINITE POTENTIAL IS YOU HERE & NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! na matter the order of magnification of any(a na y) mirage/mirror’age.

That it would, at first glance, seem utterly absurd, preposterous, ludicrous, idiotic, senseless, stupid, laughable, imprudent, crackbrained, moronic, mad, lunatic, & downright insane, in light of our teeming billions en ma’ss present now from here to Mumbai, Shanghai, Cairo, Chicago, Paris, London, Lima, L.A., etc., etc., etc., to even consider for the briefest of infinitesimal split seconds of such irreverent chutzpah to have such brazen audacity to suggest an identity common to any & y’all humanity is possible in that dark(complete d’ark’ness/enrapture) invisible indivisibility that I am as experienced so readily & so blissfully directly & periodically by every being being now disappeared as k’now’www’ng one singular complete planet/plan et/plan or scheme/long loooonng w(h)ile for attainment of sum thing et/extra terrestrial as seer sight see’ng free star’e'(ing) from above, below, & all around.  That being of such perspective is possible while still retaining memory of a single life experience is analogous to picking up on that cosmic microwave backg”round, that y sound/health y/y well/y we’ll(wheel) turning in merely(mirror-ly) echo’ing/reflecting message/me-ma’ss age of ka’s y’all Ma’s s  s re y dios creator / creation b’ar’k’ing  across the en’t’ire cosmos in mere(mirror) noise/nous/mind as thought reflecting sitting in a chair in a room in a house in a neighborhood in a community outside a city in a county of a state w/in a nation based on a continent drifting across vast oceans orbiting a minor star lost in a mirage(mirror’age) galaxy expanding in billions fold reflections to disappear as a singular black(reflecting ‘na’/a na y light/radiant eN erg y(that erg/urge of any/a na y thing’k’ing of eN’d’ing k’no’wwww’ng of ignore-ance of complete d’ark’ness/enrapture of Ma’s s  s. re y dios/point of view(you/y) as ray-rod-erection-log-pole-free standing star’e'(t’ing) from above to below) invisible indivisible/individual (w)hole.  Thus picking up on that scientific model instantly includes any a na y & y’all now as though(t) at tension of apparent/a pair’ent division as opposite end(ing)s of singular pole of a free ‘standing’/free status star’e'(t’ing) still from above = ‘as above so below’.  There are stars below as well to mirror that above.

If science is wholly objective then it must, being wholly whole, include that subject awareness, that that I am is, that observer observing/star’e”(ing) observation, reflected as any/a na y thought even w/out(x) realizing y.  That that awareness that I am is, is always analogous means being that infinite potential for particle(point of view/you/y) as wave(way of eve)re y & wave as particle(particular point of view/you/y or y not, or y na/a na y/any d’na y’ll / denial in that, that awareness that I am is is.

Thus the prerequisite for any scientific theory to be falsifiable applies to that of reality as though(t) denied in(being) functional actuality.  In that analogy between being that, that y that I am is & being that y that I am is na/y na/a na y thing, y’all y’ll/y we’ll(wheel) of fortune & mis(sed)fortune turn into a way of eve(wave)re y k’no’w’ing/deny’ing in any thing’k’ing or turn back into Ma’s s  s. re y dios pointing straight away in mere(mirror) singular free standing star’e'(ing) still from above y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll/y wheel turn into(two) fool’ish being(s) as though(t) y now k’now’ing out(x) below.