cc   o   m    ing +\/=\/+\/=\/+\/+\/+\/= gni    o   oo  ooo ing ohm

el e me n t =\/+ el eya me en ta ? +\/=  115 a’s una\/anu nu\/un ef i\/I ve vee ve e eeve a’s i\/I a’s I eve a’s I I’ve  vau vau vow da da da eya vow eya un nu un nu un nu nu nu nu nu el eya mem or y eya n’ding tauteth a’s g g  g   geez ‘s s   s a’sa

UNUNPENTIUM =\/+ un\/nu\/un\/nu peh e nt i\/I uma\/mau = 115 i\/i um\/mu

I um \/ mu I um\/mu I um\/mu peh ‘roo = par’oo = per’aa  divine breath breath’ing a’s divine guardian\/guard’in\/garden eya n’ding a’s tauteth a’s the taut i\/I um am is a’s that that that I am (((((((((K)))))))))nowowowowowowowovowvowvowov ‘ng (((((((((K)))))))))now ledge a’s el edge\/egde le(((((((((K)))))))))k((((((((K))))))))k(((((((K)))))))k((((((K))))))k(((((K)))))k((((K))))k(((K)))

PTAH the God of ‘the’ creation creating heavens & earth bi divine word. Pehtah is a’s creator of ‘the’ animals, ‘the’ plants & all that that hay’s command a’s ‘the opening o ‘ pen’ing of ‘the’ mouth a’s 2 re ‘ under\/re to ‘the’ dead de ad at\/ta’s  nun per-oo \/ oo a’s per nun

Ptah is represented a’s kneeling man meditative holding uaz scepter

Poteah a’s that which is extended a’s that that that extends a’s extension a’s that that I am while I read this or not is ‘the’ point a’s ‘the’ po i\/I ent period b’ing geez’ing w/ \/\w peh +\/= esse \/ esse potis esse  tat tat tat a’s speaking mouth a’s per a’s a (w)holly place divine\/eninid (w)here a’s tat tat tat a’s tut tut it 4 tat

P\/Peh a’s key 16 a’s re presents Pharaoh’ s head & mouth

Peh = p(eh) e h = peh eya hay = mouth of pharaoh a’s divine breath be reeee a  th’ ing ing  ing   ing ga ga  ga   ga 2 da place wha here I be longgggggggg’ing to ooo ooooo’ng 2 b b’ngingin…….. tat great do’ngamain…………

(       ((     (((    ((((   (((((  (((((( (((((((o0o))))))) ))))))  )))))   ))))    ))     )

[ < OF penne = pen , feather < LL penna < L wing, feather ]

Peh n n. 1. instrument 4 writing w/ fluid ink re quill

2. ball-point pen

3. quality of penmanship

4. pen a’s means 4 literary work a’s verse from ‘ the pen’

5. profession of writing

6. style of writing

7. writer

8. a’s bot. = mid rib of leaf

9. internal shell of cuttlefish

pen2 n. = 1.small enclosure a’s 4 pigs ; also animals contained in pen a’s v.t. = penned pent penning = to enclose in or a’s in a pen; confine

pen3 n. = female swan\/naws re SARASWATI

penultimate = next to last = n ‘ex’ing the taut to last

pentomic = penta + atomic a’s military = 5 self-contained battle groups of high mobility using atomic weapons for nuclear war.


Pentatonic 5 tone 1 2  3   5     6 tones of diatonic scale

Pentateuch(tyook) = Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Do teronomy