N \/ Nun key 13 noon a’s main spring’ng ng ng a’s groundwork a’s cause caused caus’ng ng ng  c  c   c’ng ng ng inducing compelling a’s giving rise too a’s way’ve way  way   way’ ve’ ng  ng  ng a’s too infinity a’s primordial seas see’ng a’s source of all energy infinite potential potential’da potential’g a’s cradle of Pharaoh Peh-raa a’s Jah she a a’s son of Nun nu’un’ng ng ng.

In scripted hieroglyph re hieratic form nun takes form a’s wavy horizontal line vvvvvv. Motion mo  mo   mo she on no  on  no a’s to walk or ro whorl whorl’d whorl’ng  a’s www passing away passing as a way ve in a way ve es sailing  sa i el   i     n          g      a way ve of fo change  cha  cha   cha  ang  ge gee   gee’ng  esse sea esse c  c   c  esse  motion mo ma ma  mo  she on no of fo  re re release released release’ng ng ng magnetic ma  ma   ma am  mag nu e ta ic  c  c energy a’s of such a’s magma ma am earthquake quaking liquifies expands ma am solid matter to liquid state wherein glass can flow like water & wood can shift right before eyes expanded a’s well a’s we el el a’s ssa.

Nun cause c  c  c’ng ng ng body a’s bodiless infinite potential re er esse re e e emitting a’s s’a admitting b’ng ng ng esse b  b   b  ba be’am’ng ng ng gn nu un esse ef x’ng ng ng gn ga ag ga gee  g   g    g’ee ee e’mg a e’ ng ga’ a’s s’a cha  cha   cha  changing esse re ver’esse’ng ng ng a’s re turn’ng ng nggn a’g ‘in ni’ g’a a in ni  in ni too  oo   oo    oo     o oo o  z  z   z      za   zee e   e    eeeee   e  ze  zee   zee     zee  e  e e eee a’s s’a  that bliss b  ba   ba     ba   el lis s ss s s sssss  zzzzzzzzza aaaa aa a of fo da   da     da      da  a    da    da  a   ar ra  ka     ka ka  ka  ka dark dark da dark’ng ng ng gn da dhi  da dhi  da  d  d   d ‘ng in ni  a’s s’a that center centered centrality in that of such esse singularity we all ka now a’s zee  zee ze zee   ze  e  eee ee z z   z     z       z  z’ss s ss ss s s ssss’sessesse”s wherein that that that I am finding found a’s re er re a’s s’a  way ve’ng ng ng out in ni nu un nu  un   nu    un   nu  una’s that sliver slivered sliver’ng ng  ng nga’a  va  va  viz a viz alighting a way ve va  vow  vow   vow  an na in ni effect a’s too appear in ni actual actuality a’s too b’e’ng’s formed a’s s’a on no head of a pin a’s s’a a  aaz  za  za   za    zi  i   ii’ng  pa  pa  pa peh pee da pin head headed  head’ng  ng   ng ga a’s s’a wheeling  we hey  we hey   we hey’ed de  we heel ‘ng  ng   ng  through falling in love in ni is si’ gh’ng gn a’s s’a es’si ga  ga  ga  hey’ng ng  ng in ni peh esse’ng sigh sigh’de sigh’nc’ng a’s peh esse sy  p  p   p   sy sy’d sy’ng and rising upward up word  u a’z za peh a’s s’a wa  wa    wa  wen ayin da re’e ee da’ng  ng ng a’s too word’s towards day light da y eya el iota  ga hay ta ta te ta ta ta a’s jah ga ga ga’ng a’s perpetually one da ring a’s that son shin ni’ng ng ng a’s sun es sa un nu un nu in ni a’s that that that I am a’s s’a in ni infinite darkness da da d’ng a’s s’a kriy’ate’ng  ng   ng  a’s s’a ka ka re’e ee e ae t’ng  in ni way  way   way  ay ‘ ‘ya va  va   va  ‘er’a’s s’a never b 4 c  c   c’ng in ni a’s s’a that that that I am ma i’s s’i light spectrum a’s s’a el le light ta x-peh ka ta’ng ru ur em me    em   me  eeee    e      em ma a aa a  ee    eee     eeee    za za  a app  app    app’ng  a’s s’a too  ta   ta      ta    ‘ng a’s s’a two too  two too a’s s’a ta oo appear’ng a’s s’a too disappear’ng in ni es se tore a’s s’a tor e ay of fo that that that I am is si appear’ng  ever ever ever eve ar ra eve eve’na an na while in ni a’s s’a of such a’s too too b’e’ng b’e’ng’d da weighed for its sa a’s s’a gravity a’s too a’s s’a how much weight for eve’n’ga ga  ga   ga a’s s’a eve er re a’s s’a two too come a’s s’a ka ome o  oo    o     o        o     o   o    oo   o me   ka  hey  hey     hey    o   oh  me  a’s s’a  aaazza em me a’s sa    ka    a  oz   m ic

Imaginative intelligence a’s entire cosmic a’s ka’s em o esse order ordered or ro  ro   ro ‘ or’d’ da e eee e’ er ring ng  ng ng liberation to the situation a’s that of such a’s that that that I am ma reality realiti zie’d realiz’ng no on matter how much of that that I am knowing that that continues in ni that continuity a’s s’a two a’s s’a too es shin’ng a’s a ay way a’s s’a all waze ay al la hay way ve a’s too give particular definition in ni grammar +\/= vocabulary gloss glossing glossary glamorizing definition too a way ve’ng ng gn  ga na  a’s s’a re ga na an ag ‘og shin a’s s’a tooth a’s s’a to in ni oth’ er re and a nu un da a’s s’a too the e eee er re ‘n’i’zing  z’ing   z’ing in ni zee ro ro ro light in ni infinite darkness da ark  da da  ar ka ‘n ‘esse ka now a’s s’a two ta wa oo is si too be’ng’ c  c   c ‘ng ng ng  a’s s’a c’ng  c’ng  c’ng a’s s’a’s oo aw ng a’s s’a song ta’oo ga ga ga’ng out in ni that way ve that is si a’s plane a’s day da da y ka no’se on my face too face outer space in any case of projected identity a’s for instance you or ro ro   ro me a’s being b’ng’s a’ a’z z’a a’ assa of fo such a’s that that that I am ‘fills’ thru all a’s nu un nu un other than that see’ng a’s s’a thru eye’s refracting in re verse’s sse verses se’s of fo a’s only how much of that that may be measured.

Onno force inimical to liberation a’s s’a a’   a’ old o oh o ha ha   ha  el le da ad crusty idea’s pass away w/the death the de a th a’s s’a da e eya a’s s’a ta hay hay hay of the person’s a’s person esse that that  that I am ma is si purusha  purushaha a’s s’a that Ancient of Daze a’s person’ a’s s’a laity al I ta y eya eve a’s s’a a’s too face’s who hold them. Fact of being b’inna  actuality death esse instrument of progress progressing to reality of realizing before time runs out ta  ta   ta  ta   oo     oo      oo     e    e     eya   va va va’w’ing  esse ef fe oo el’ng ng  ng  ga  ag   ga’ng   ng     gn na  ro    ro     ro   en da.

The ‘old man’a’s dies’ a’s s’a idea’s concept’s die ni ghtly  a’z z zzz zzzz z we a’z z’a that  that   that  darkness that’s sa a’s s’a da ark   ka     ka      ka ha   hay     hay       hay    a’mg a’s s’a ha ka now out side in ni that little by little come’ ng two too a’s ka y  y     y         y  x  y wen eve er re we can that this re re readjustment this death esse more literal than we might think thin ka   ka     ka    literally little in ni that  that   that I am ma ka now ka now’n by ya name a’s s’a two  too  b’ng’s

&  &   &    &    that dang hanged man’a’s

M \/ Mem key 12 mem hieroglyph’ s goddess Mut a’s vulture or ro owl EM mother mut re er symbolized as = two lands too see’da mineral’s root’ng  ar oo ta ‘ng ng ng in her axis a x i’s E.W. center in ga ga ga in mem waters that first mirror \/ rorrim mi im tav mem reflects upside down breaking bra e a king refracting re ef er re acting light into particular cases of life efil in imagination ary life efil  in ni forms woven by water wen e aten re er re e e e er re

Hanged man a’s suspended mind in utter completion of being that nu un see’ng in actuality of potential fill filled fill’ng thru all particularity no matter how much a’s alway’s  v’s  of such too be’ng’s that that that I am is that a’s reflecting on this plane too see’ng meaning me a n’g g g g or ro that I am suspended in ta crossing ex of y axis ax is y ax is y ex’ing zee a’s Shin’ng suspended as above so below Shin’ng mem or y or ro y ‘s infinite p  p   p  cross of living wood hylo wood a’s hylo\/matter +\/= zoe\/life a’s matter of fo life el iota vau eya what woo da  woo   woo    woo  da da  da   da    da ga  ga    ga   gallows  galga a’s framework of two uprights supporting cross beam tav ta a  va  va    vow    center sent her c  c    c’ng ng ng  a’s that centrality suspended ‘s  sa   sa s    a ‘ s Great Womb ba  ba   bang bang bang’ng  a’s Yod hay shin vav hay vav h a y  v    a         v            ha      ha       ha

Hanged man’a’s suspended mind a’s LVX light logos Yod hay shin tav hay a’s Jah shu a  four  th’e ree totaling twelve ta we lve  a’s complete c  c   c’ng  the ree empress she on a’s da door doer’g  a’s prakriti generatrix 4 hay blue water ro be hi p. mind stuff manifesting a’s logos word  el o go’s a’s too ancient of fo daze refracted into personality eve n a’s still being LVX one life zoe’ n’ng ng  ng  a’s re adon ai

Reverse esse verse of re ka now’ng thought a’s thought of that ka now’ng  ka now ledge a’s that el edge of that mask of personality eve re full filled of fo mem water a’s thine Will e e    eeeee        eeee      eya  that tree   that tree of fo  wood  woo   woo www a  ooo  da