In that Genesis story, Cain kills brother Able. Why? Word is Cain says I can. That potential \/ potisesse – that able ability to be = I able now that I can in a potential act of actuality, we, in that sense of feeling that we do, slay our brother able, to be able, to go do all that we seem to want 4 in that, that I am garden guardian guard’ing a’s that that I am, is. Is i’s I n’ding ? That a’s I wander wondering in that desert of ignore-ance of my able brother that I am ever thinking of in waiting & weighting 4 me at home, hey ome , to embrace me a’s that such, that I am.

howmuchofsuchthatIamow muchof suchthat I ammo much ofsuch that Iyameya

[ < OF < LL desertum < L pp neut. of deserere < de-away + sererere-to join ]

desert 1 = to forsake or abandon

desert 2 = a region almost all most un inhabitable only 2 not being there.

desert 3 = that which is deserved a’s ‘just desert’s’, reward or punishment, a’s in de/complete + servire 2 serve a’s service.

It may be we desert our brother that I am 2 wander a’s wonder aimlessly in that desert un inhabited by anything or anyone else or el see other than that, that I am finding even here he re in now knowing k nowledge a’s that being, that I am being for four who knows 4 winds that 4 esse 4 eve era, is i’s’s.