Big I little i = Be i gee el i tautau el eya. = Bi guy el it tel i = eya\/eye lit bi guy til

Or i is i’s is I seeing(n) on nd as separate dot point above, a b ayin vau eya the vertigo stroke pointing out, e merging a’s potential beginning beginning to end appearing to disappear.

C = G = see’ing = gee’ing/gravitating/go’ing/gutting = seeing/seaing/sailing/swimming

G = C = ginning = g’ing/gravitating/going/sailing/singing/salutating

Be ginning = be cinning /seen’ing or be go n’ding.

C’ing is cinning is sinning is shinning a’s word sin is in fact shin key 20 w/value 300 = 300 value of RVCh ALHIM Ra Vau ChaaLoHayMem ‘Holy Spirit’ ‘Life breath breathing the Divine mother letter wholly let her 4 judgement. Key k eya       20 intersects keys 12 & 0 a’s horizontal member X-Y axis – – – – minus – – – –  that ’em in us’ a’s that em path y in judgement that hangs man a’s suspended suspends judgement in that whorl offool of fool off oo el that I am is center central I ty\/x-y of that whirl phool ripping past into future whorl worlds ending a’s beginning in space between be twin that time I last sawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhat ever it was that I may have been looking 4 wwwwwwwwwwwwway vinggggggggggggg……………….gagagagagagagagago go go inginga ga____________

Either ray tes about the same(k)nowwww www www  www   w w w    w  w  w  w

w   w   w   w    w    w     w     w     w      w       w        w          w           w            way vau way

S/eSs/Samek key 14 ‘tent-peg’ prop foundation that sustains, preservers , & maintains personal existence/ exit tents in that wrath of quivering vibrations that qualifies all situations.


GBVRH = Go Be Vau Re Hay = That vow, ‘hey re(member) a’s be’ing go’ing.

Samek= same knowledge soma k in realizing potential actuality called ‘serpent power’ soft ‘c’ a’s hard ‘g’ ginning/ going/ gaining yet also cinning/ sinning/ shinning w/out gain or loss a’s same\/emas k a’s knowing\/knowledge a’s sum a universal conscious energy / k that serpent feeding on its twin, remains ever that same k

T a’s Teth key 8 as twin intertwined snakes of secrecy, subtlety, sruti, strength in realizing teth a’s that the t, that ‘the’ tau(t) singularity I may find a budding germination of that coming out of that darkness of infinite potential\/potisesse, that I am is able to be as much of such that no matter how much is called 4 that I know that I am a’s such always more than e nuff.

Teth = eth T = the T = T the= the ‘the’ tau(t) hey eya hey taut eya that eya that I y am is a’s taut hey eya\/aye hey taut 2 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z  Z   Z