In this new year I find that I am still thinking of myself a’s complete ly non attached from all else(el see) yet feeling apart as a part from that whole world that I am as a matter of fact in fact that I am acting a’s though being who you say that I am while feeling that pain means one thing, that I am is who you say that I am or not.

It seems I feel the pain of love a(‘s)wake/watch/time & bliss of love timeless a’szzzzzzleep still that I am finding even when I open my eyes.

Now I may think of sleep a’s spinning with such infinite potential velocity as to be w/out apparent motion a’s eye/I of storm in visibility. Invisibility in that vis/viz/for ce ability for actuality in being that I am reading this now.

O / Ayin key 15 in BABCc = eye & foundation of situation signifies, signals, informs external superficial appearance of that thing, that I am, a’s things. Thing a’s things thinking of things. Or gan of sight/psyt most important tool/too el hence something representing all sensation a’s lion all substitute human mode of life expression. Eye/I a’s orb limited by circle of that horizon, that horus, that sun time/ sometime is on us. Through the eye we see appearances (that that I am appearing appearance ‘s/a’s) only.

Hence the eye/I re presents, re offers, a’s re bate/bait, the limitations of vis/viz able light spectrum & the bonding in potential n’ding of ignore-ance re suiting/salting  from the mind/mine accepting acceptance of the ‘se limitations & appearances as being all that there/t here is.

Mirth on earth, that fun action consciousness/ con science ness, that psy/ sigh ence of psy/sight, a tribute by Kabalists able by ka to letter ayin that a’s let her I in is usually provoked by incongruity, by human weaknesses, short-comings, & foibles. Never the less, we must laugh that our pants keep falling down, that all mental complexes & conflicts/flix of con keep falling off a’s only that potential out lasts lasting & we can only laugh in realizing the n’ding of all that, that I am is beginning, middle, n’ding as that.