For Chemist, reality is chemical.

For cosmologist, reality is cosmic.

For philosopher, reality is potential.

World or universe considered a’s orderly system but at the end of the day, what or whose system do we take to bed with us?

We look w/out to infinity.

We look w/in to infinity.

Are we that thing, that ‘filling’ in the middle? A filling of out in & in out, we may find that I am is ever centrality of singularity.

Some study origins, beginnings. I study ending as I have found a simultaneity of beginning w/ ending. Circle unbroken .

Scientist, when looking for beginning, do you begin w/that thought, “that I am beginning” in mind?

e = ending potential to begin

e = ending / n’ding a’s creating.

Making waves……nnnnnnnnnnNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N N  N   N      N