We may want to keep in mind to include that one thing being that I am in all conversations on nothingness theory.

Being that I am & finding a high degree of arrogance in a science ignorant of its own origins I found this pen flying across the page.

That science prides itself on a discovery mission in as far a direction as any particular branch can go, & then beyond, we know. Yet, when it comes to that subject of subject, being that I am, walls of denial climb rapidly to the stars. That denial is so powerful as to deny the validity of even the study of the subject as being narcissistic. In fact narcissism is the root of denial of being that I am. I might call that deception, a fatal scientific ego-trip. (whenever walls of denial soar up, I know ‘ol man ego ain’t far off. May be plenty spiritual ego around but it takes a back seat to scientific ego reinforced by walls of skeptical degrees offered in consensually instituted egoism known as the fools cap, the diploma.  Naturally I respect w/ high degree higher learning x-cept in that case of institutional denial born out of cultural & academic bias.)

All that I am saying is give yod a chance.

Only enchantment of the spell(ing) of alphabeta/namarupa/nameform can conceive that a’s other than that. A denial of that, that I am singularity requires words to conceive such as other than any & all that I see for thinking that I am separate & therefore possibly an image reflected in reverse in the watery mirror of memory built on narrative of word concepts. Yet this cannot be for I feel separate from all else, including any&all that I may see. See how I remain in that centrality of being singularity. It seems I do not move even as I travel everywhere.

Now about that cat, Narcissus. He only got one look. The enchantment wears thin over time as image ages & now as I look at age, there is no falling so much as repelling. Now I get it, that I am present at my own potential demise. That this is possible being that I am & being that I am probing deeper into exactly what my real I’d might capture. With narrative in mind I seek to pin this ‘tale’ on the right a’ss (w)hole but the don key keeps moving & it seems that I am wearing a blind-fold of ignore-ance with that tale of being wrapped tightly around, I fail to see my fingertips & begin to think about them as though no longer connected. Then I see, I realize behind the blind-fold that I am still the heart, that ‘ever-still’ heart of being aware of all that I see in here or out there yet never more or less at home  than when reading this.