This question that I am asking may be important to consider so let me ask again.

IS LIVING IN A FUNCTIONAL DEMENTIA ENOUGH ?  This ? goes to the heart of our dilemma of apparently being born to die.  Is it enough to accept that we may not know why, even tho we may still find a life of reasonable satisfaction, relative happiness, & temporal friendship?  

That I am finding this condition inadequate motivates me to write on even when there is a wall of ignore-ance, a vast plethora of denial bordering on a near vicious contempt for anyone attempting to bridge the divide between accepting that limit & determination to cross, to realize that that that I am is whole.  WHY?    Because apparently I can, at least there is I know for sure, that potential to realize that that that I am is.  That that is never absent, never missing, never far away in time space leads me on despite any probation, reservation, or anticipation of getting through the indifference & denial that I am finding nearly everywhere I go & in nearly everyone I meet.  WHY?  Maybe because of being the fool that I am?

Schopenhauer’s 3 stages for establishing truth;  1 ridicule, 2 violent opposition, 3 accepted as self-evident