then you may find that that I am is is soul brother sister.

If the world had no root soul (ka nowledge), this creation would be filled w/non-existence (void) & would be perceived as non-existent.  That it is perceived as existing, such as pot is perceived due to reality of being permeated w/clay, then that reality of cause ever in effect is to be realized.  WHY?  So as not to be left w/that perverse notion that, “the root soul of the universe, that being being that that I am is is, does not exist(y x is y); that this effect that we all(wheel) in turning y into x experience is w/out potential cause(y), & gets dissolved into non-existence as its end(y asz y na(not))”

Therefore eschewing that nihilism & those who advance that theory(((((the or y of man’as mind’or y/memory))))) of non-existence of denial(y’ll d’na) of being that of such a’s limitless amidst limits, bodiless amidst bodies, & permanent amidst impermanence, choose to realize that that, that I am is is reading this is that sole soul being complete, indivisible full awareness.

That sole soul which science of quantum physics may refer to as ‘ghost’, ‘amplitude’, ‘apparition’,  ‘spirit’,  or  ‘the old one’ as Einstein called it in reference to that which offers completion to all theory, a man of knowledge calls nirguna brahma / reality free of potential causality for relative actuality.  That which science of quantum physics purports to measure & compute, the man of knowledge calls saguna brahmareality w/ potential for ‘stuff’ to appear to disappear.  That brahma/reality is also more commonly referenced in that being, that that I am is is what or why(for what purpose), we all(wheel) turn into referring to in first person first thing on waking, consistently throughout activity,  & last thing before falling asleep.  That, once asleep, that awareness that I am is is continues being, being even w/out a second of time space, demonstrates experientially(y’all asz though(tsz) x) the eternal(the’e turn(ing y’)all) nature of that first person(purushaha) present singular we all(wheel) turn into & seem to embody(bodhi being to perceive m(em or y)).  This being, being the analogous ‘clay’ of our apparent ‘pot’,  does not disappear when appearing in formation anymore than clay disappears even when in formation as pot.