The immeasurable magnitude of being that being, that that I am is is, obliterates complexity as a mosquito to a star.  In order to realize that, information that fits that purpose of liberation of any & all visible & invisible limitation, is offered herein.

The human condition, due to the gift of self-consciousness that separates us from our fellow primates, presents a problem beyond that of survival, that problem paradox of being aware in that perpetual awareness of being that I am being as well as being aware of our apparent mortality.  That we may seek liberation from this perceived pickle of immanent & unpredictable demise of that conceived physical body, should be valued as the ‘why’ of existence.  Ultimately, it seems, there is no other real & lasting purpose, beyond realizing liberation, to the suffering of maculate conception & painful growth leading to inevitable decline & apparent dissolution.

Physical death, as far as we all may turn to observe it all around us, is not considered by scriptural authority to be a final liberation.  That end, that ‘fade to black’, is considered, metaphysically, a return to our source, that darkness universal causal eve’re’y body experienced by y’all as purely that, that awareness that I am is is, on a daily/nightly basis.  Just as earth shadowing sun, reveals that true singular darkness of free space only to be denied once more at sunrise, being still in that darkness singularity of actuality, as that I am in causal state, causal eve re’y body, is as though(t) denied on waking into that da y light of apparent in word duality/do-ality objective name/form.  That momentum, just as turning earth, foreshadows another birth, another day, rather than any future non-existence.  This unmanifest body offers infinite potential to be able to appear to disappear.  Thus we all may turn to e’y’turn once more, ad infinitum ad nauseam,  as two be faced w/that apparent predicament of finding liberation, or na, y’ll d’na, from limitation of potential actuality of the hard physical labor kind w/all the attendant horrific possibilities.  That this seeming paradox of singular freedom being enslaved in multiple duality(do-ality) eve’n(a) as though(t) only that of potential, still,  is no less a seemingly real problem from that individual waking perspective.

That I am apparently writing as testament to liberation while living, provides opportunity to synthesize an experience of satori(awakening) of timeless being in an apparent time-bound life.  Liberation while living as experience in time, tho as resolute as any dream distress relieved upon waking, offers further confirmation in that that waking state reality, unlike evaporating dream, continues.  In my case it has continued for 40+ all too painfully & at times pleasantly apparent years.  My novel approach to further absorb this glorious experience, beyond continuing painting discipline, was to, well, actually write a novel.  This novel, PAINTING CHRISTINA, a work of some 18 years writing & rewriting is offered now on  The point to this writing, beyond the pure process challenge, is that all too familiar economic necessity as measure of success.  Though the jury is still out on this score, the unparalleled astonishing satori experience will ever remain a recognition by one slightly above as below average human being of that singular singularity reality of that that I am writing & reading this here & now.

You too, for only 99 cents, may find value & even actual experience of that.  After all, it seems we all gotta make a living, hopefully while contributing to the expansion of our humanities’ horizons.  Meanwhile, keep the faith as anyone & everyone has that potential for satori as an experience unique in & to y’all.

8-21-17. . .30 degrees Leo . . .’An unsealed letter’ . . .keynote-“The realization by the individual y’all thoughts & y’all messages are inevitably to be shared w/all men.”

“The letter contains a public message . . .What any man thinks & deeply realizes becomes the property of all men. . . .Nothing can remain permanently sealed. . . .Communication & sharing must always prevail over the will to glorify oneself by claiming sole possession of ideas & information.”  AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA . . . .Dane Rudhyar