That Egyptian connection is ever continuing to live on in that land of the dead as noon, that ‘ninth hour’, that ‘of such’ as that eternal space in time.  Never separate historically, geographically, or culturally, that death, that noon/nun is always that here & ka now/knowing/knowledge.  The land / el a’s noon do’or door is always open & free freed freedom.  That land of noon, that infinite potential actuality apparently brings forth the five key aspects for all manifestation in that unmanifest.  First Ka, that ancient vitality for’ce/for ce’e’ing, is represented in the hieroglyph of the upraised arms w/two hands & (a)ten fingers.  Ka is followed by Ba, represented in hieroglyphs as a bird, expressing mobility.  The reunion of Ka & Ba creates Akh, hieroglyphically represented by the crested Ibis, to assume any form.  That noon / darkness source is reiterated as Shwt / Swt or silhouette, that ‘shadow’ that backs all play of light seen ahead.  That light is possible due to the infinite potential in complete darkness is re-enforcement of that blinding ignore-ance reflected in that bias of darkness w/evil.  In actuality, all that we perceive is evil in the sense of being transient or seemingly ever passing away.  That reality of relativity evil is confirmed in a scientific outlook of all matter being in actuality particular energy/force/viz-ability as electromagnetic waves of ra-diation(ra-dhi-at I on = ra/divine dhi/wisdom I-aton).  In that ka now reality we continue to embody that darkness ‘behind the eyes’ even while appearing to see the light.  In fact, we inevitably tire of light objectivity & naturally ‘fall back’ thankfully into that causal ‘soaking’ darkness.  That infinite darkness potential is ever present as though ‘behind’ seer seen seeing, the missed/unrealized half of the complete 360 degree orb of the eye, the great power of infinite potential filling all visibility ahead as cause in producing all potential effect.  It moves as we move, even to & beyond the speed of light.  It is our silent companion represented hieroglyphically as a feather.  Thus the ancient Egyptian proscribes the reality of 360 senses too the five we moderns recognize.  That we now realize the black blackness (w)hole at the center of galactic awareness means that it is only a matter of time before we realize it ‘extends’ a’s that sacred kryst that ‘fills’ all space time.  That this marvelously wondrous ancient model is equivalent to modern reality, blows the mind free of any restraint garnered over centuries of apparent prejudicial accumulations in that proverbial blink of eye.  The fifth piece to this puzzle of noon is name.  W/out name, we cannot appear to have any meaningful existence.  Name is represented in the hieroglyph of a horizontal ‘vesica piscis’ underlined by nun / wavy line.  The mythos of Ptah creating everything in the universe by speaking its name is analogous to our personal world created thru speech & the vocabulary of alphabeta name & form.  Thus mythos ever lives & breathes in each & everyone in/at noon/nun & it seems after all that is what is in a name.  That so called object world is in actuality ever that subject, that that that I am is, giving apparent appearance in actual reality as that space in time for lunch / el vow noon c’ing hay.  It / noon follows all seer seeing seen as clay follows all pot as its potential immortality.  That is why we slip back into that causal state so easily, completely, & instantaneously.  Seeing is always a complete 360 even when ringing out a’s a 180 degree field of view/you/y.  It is only the spell(ing) of alphabeta that seems to prevent complete awareness & leaves person-na(not) denying that other half until death / noon appears to disappear us again & again & again until we realize our 360 completeness.  Thus it is that I am telling this ka nowledge is, even in waking actuality, merely a problem of denial/d’na or d’na-thing, denial of that sum thing, all that, that that I am is.