Of that I am wondering & wandering about love ‘n science ‘n science ‘n love a’s 2 being real & integral in that one awareness that I am finding reasonable as being ever indivisible.

How is it then, in that I am loving that science model of singular free space filling all w/out possibility of being affected by any particular energy/force & yet still finding myself infected w/prejudicial apparent formalities?  How many hundreds of years, thousands of days, millions of moments, does it take before the illusion of separate solid matter ceases to seduce?  How long does it take for a mirage to disappear?  That I am wondering apparently means that I would love to know & realize that knowledge is LOVE SUPREME.  That it would seem that illusion, after some hundreds of years of knowing that the entire field of perception, whether biological, chemical, or astronomical is completely pervaded by space w/just a dash of energy of particular force, centered by that awareness that I am & cannot but be in order to be able to observe any possible apparent cohesion or dissolution in time, would yield to awakening is reasonable.  What, then, as now, is the problem?

Perhaps we might consider that unified field of perception; visual, audio, tactile, as naturally inclusive of any & all concept developing from narrative mind of all that we think of as being that I am appearing now to disappear.  We may base that inclusiveness on our personal experience of seeming to love to disappear by falling asleep.  Just as the science model reveals a universality to all apparent diversity, love of dreamless sleep reveals that singularity of awareness that that that I am is.  Might then, the problem of problems be merely an error of prejudgement due to habitual denial of being that I am when waking into that now that appears before open eyes as other than that, that indivisible & hence invisible that, that that I am is?

It seems that when we reflect in narrative mode, as that I am now in actuality known as a named apparent objective form, born to die, reality that I am is seemingly turned or thrown back as being in opposition even all the while ever remaining perceived waves of light, heat, or sound.  That, now, wherein love that I am turns to hate that I am not, appears to be the case for reality.  The n’ding waves (nooning source waves), being of that person that I am, seem to begin as person-na(not) now & thus we set up then, to die a death which is in fact all along the very nature of that of such as we are, able now in actuality to appear to be able, as that very infinite love potential appearing, yet ever still being  that singularity that I am is.  Death(noon) appears as life, illusion as truth, mirage as reality due to the apparent power of love/bliss potential, the power in that I am now able to ignore that, that I am, to appear to be other than that.  In that now, we may love to hate or hate to love.