
Even thinking in actuality that I am Wyly writing while reality of being that, that I am now reading this, means 1st person singularity in that case of grammar, inheres. In here & now is as though me or you

That is human being a’s being of, to, or characteristic of man/ man as/ manas/ mind or y a’s that ‘of such’ as we all may appear turning out to be other than that, that I am, even while reading or writing this or an’d\/d’na.

Mind = aggregate, mass, sum, or body of processes originating in or associated w/ brain.

Brain = Bra in = Bra(hm)in = Reality in actuality of y potential for thought in that way of hemispheric division or duality(do-ality) of thinker to thought.  Though we all turn into thinking in terms of there being a duality of thinker to thought, reality, even as brain, ever remains singular.  We all in turning see w/two eyes, yet that field of view(of you/yod/that I am) remains as one scene, one as though in word see’ng.  It would seem that brain has a mind of its own as that store of thoughts, indexed as memories of that narrative of apparent life lived as though(t) a’s any mirror y na’me’d  individual.  As that narrative passes as a mind or y now of its own apparently embodied in a field of bio cognition of apparent growth & decay, there is now sorrow for that seeming gain & loss of reality even while ever continuing being individual(indivisible invisible) reality of such that I am is is always here & now, even when thinking about past or future.  The troubles of narrative mind may be, it seems, projected or superimposed over the field of view(of you/yod/that I am) as though(t) before us to prejudice that seen scene.  Is it not our choice in any moment by moment whether we all in turning allow this prejudice to prevail or not, whether we all turn into indulging in anger & hate or find the natural compassion & love in that being in all, of such that that that I am is is?  We all may turn as too make a conscious effort to surrender these judgements to the greater mind, that mahamanaha witnessed when events beyond our control sweep away personal thoughts.  We all may turn into looking up to the sky rather than the dust on our feet, consider the burden of others rather than focusing on our own, or consider the view from space of our grand complete whole (w)hol(l)y earth.  Our singular home suffers our burden with a grandeur that disappears human divisions in that singular glory we all may turn to witness from dewdrop to mountain top.  That we all turn into one being that human being, in that hue & cry of man’as, that color of mind or y, now may be considered both in light of doing & dark of being in any potential y now actuality of scale far beyond that tiny slice of visibility in that electromagnetic spectrum to a scale of invisibility in infrared to radio frequency stretching out to inherit that cosmic awareness that I am is is in finding being that infinite potential that that that I am is is & cannot in reality but be.

In the ABBC / alphabeta binary code of word in letter & letter in word-

H/ heh/ hey / aitch- key 4 symbolized as the Emperor – [< OF empereor< L imperator commander < imperare to order] ‘hey/hay’= window/ wind dow/ wind door/doer= of such how much= qualus quantum.  Window admits light (knowledge) & air (life breath breathed breathing) into the house (beth/beta/b) of personality/person na that permits outlook, supervision, survey, control.  Key to opening or barring being transparency.

Transparency essential for sight – to see, inspect, reconnoiter,  watch, care, examine, calculate, analyze, induce, deduce, inquire, enquire, invest.

H / Emperor is the Constituting Intelligence , that ‘the constitute creator/creation’ in the darkness of the world(of Causal Eve’re’y Body) means that I am is is ka-nowledge a’s k’ing  y potential life breath(ing)  a’s infinite darkness creating , making anything what or y it is. Constituting, authorizing, producing, originating, inventing, founding, begetting, generating, architecting , building.  That the constituting intelligence, that the Emperor, that the head of government, that the paternal authority, becomes source of war out of blind necessity to martial force for annihilation in order to restore truth in an’y potential unmanifest & is only necessary when ignore-ance predominates (in the head).  By ignoring ignore-ance (realizing that that I am is is eve’re’y body remains indivisible, invincible, & invisible), we all may turn into finding & establishing new boundaries that set us all free from slavery to such circumstance of hellish war.  Order & dominion exercised through that transparency reverses that power of ignore-ance from slavery to freedom of knowing / realizing a’s ka’ing y now.  Better ka now than ka boom !!!!!!

H/Emperor/hay wind blowing blown through D/Empress/daleth’s womb / door calling / bringing forth that hidden w/in.

Paternity thru maternity, ‘the’ paternity of the ‘the’ tautology , ‘the’ logos of tau a’s + is all, that I am is is having to write for now in that ka(knowledge)ingdom of father/ f a’s the a’r’e / vau a’s vow tau(t) hay y mode.  Thus the paternity of our life experience is constituted by subconscious response generated from that index of personal definitions accepted w/out reservation by the manas/ mind or y of y’our  own, distinguished & circumscribed w/ steely authority of that E-go.  That we all turn around the source & vitality of y’all that accepted as law is the true ‘gold’ of realizing y being that invisibly indivisible that that that I am is is.

F/Vau key 5 : the Hierophant [ < LL hierophanta < Gk hierophantas < hieros sacred + phainein to show]  vau/vav/and = nail or hook to join parts, link in thought language, subject-observation of objectification, that associative w/ union, support, aid, assistance, sustenance, furtherance, ministry.  That vau/vow is that and or ancient revealer revealed revelation hidden in y’all now as official interpreter/Hierophant of esoteric knowledge y now known as being any and mirror y na now that I am appears to be.

Triumphant & eternal intelligence is mode’l function of consciousness attributed to F/vau.  It is triumphant “because it gives assurance of ultimate victory of Life-power(ka) over all apparent obstacles now seeming to stand in the way of completion of the Great Work.  It is ‘eternal’ because it not only carries w/it a positive conviction of immortality, lifting personal consciousness out of limitations of Time into realization of Eternity(that I am); but also because of the revelations of the Inner Voice (Hierophant) enable us to solve particular problems by applying (that) and mere mirror principle (reflecting reflection that I am is is) which as soon as (we all turn to realize it) we all in turning around recognize as being true (truth) yesterday, today, & forever.”  after PFC – The Tarot

Vau a’s that vow, that solemn promise is that whether made to God, to a diety of choice, to a saint, to a course of life, or any mere and mirror y na now to engage in pursuit  of some/sum end. That, that vow lives & breaths and or in that I am reading this & thinking about that means potential for satori, awakening in that ‘of such’ a’s it is & finding what it is that I am looking for.

Religion = Re lig i on = Re lig(vau connection)i is Iota = re lig re iota = divine union(and mirrored dna) divine that I am is is

Realizing any man superimposed as mind or y na now in word in’formation being still being invisible in that seer sight seeing, that I am is is not now thought of a’s some thing heavy weight waiting on death. That, being of such,  how much is that worth knowing/realizing?