Z ending for Greco-Roman alphabeta is of course that story of our genesis, our beginning & going from the guard guard’n guardian(that Hermit)  of eden\/adon to that fool appearing to fall off the cliff in actuality. That is the ending as un\/nu beginning, analogous to every daily awakening wherein we seem to leave that blissful place & go out now into a world of shame & pain.  That singular that I am found as that guard guard’n guardian now is fool feeled feel’n foolish enough as though two (thinker thinking thought) to bite into (buy into) that app le of w(h)orl w(h)orling w(h)orld.  That I am now ‘un\/nu b’ing beemeeeeeeiiiiinnnng a’s 2 go going a way of nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn’ding w/a bang, bang, bang, banging that buck, ef you see k’ing knowing that a third party may arrive in time 4 X-mas(s) 2 ma t ch the unknown un noun w/a noun name. Know to name that name of that, that I am seeing 2 reading this into my choice, em eya ch o i c eya, 2 name that ba be.

In that alphabeta binary code, ABBC, the letter Z = zayin.

Z, key 6 means ‘sword’ / es word to cleave w/the word based idea of being other, being separate from that singular iota/yod hermit that that that I am is.                 Z / zayin is also symbolized hieroglyphically by the scepter of Uaz / Uzer of Ptah, namer of things through that divine breath breathed breathing.  The Egyptian noun Uzer, ‘strength’ has the same root as ‘strength’/’Ozer’/’Oz’ in Hebrew.  Thus we find correlation as ayin(o) zayin(z) / I in zion / that I am that hill, that ‘great work’/ that reality to be realized as that, that that I am is.  That is analogous in genesis of man as mind as that I am in eve’ry beginning whether the cycle is 24 hours or 24,000 years.  Of such is the timeless profundity & magnitude analogous in eve’ry second, minute, hour, day, month, year, century, millennium, etc., etc., etc., that that I am is.

Gemini, the twins, is the astrological sign attributed to zayin.  Now singularity appears as duality.  Twins are hard to tell apart & therefore right discrimination is now required in order not to fall under the spell(ing) of es\/se word, of the power of infinite potential / potis esse / to be able now, to do, to measure, to love & hate, or not.

Disposing Intelligence is mode of consciousness attributed to Z/zayin.  On awakening, we begin the day by arranging,  apportioning,  distributing, & dividing.  Thus analysis, classification, organization, preparation, & adjustment are all attributed to this mode.  This is reflected in our personal ‘disposition’ which may be modified by right discrimination.

In the Tarot, that 3-D pictorial book based on letters of alphabeta, formulated by early c.e. adepts & carried into our modern era as playing cards, zayin is represented as The Lovers, aka Adam & Eve / Atom & E-wave.  Lovers intimates union of opposite but complementary modes of existence.  This relates to disposing intelligence as disposition, affections, temperament, idiosyncrasies, propensities relating to love between two people shown in key 6 of ABBC, or between all that appears to be other & that, that I am.,

In that picture as in our daily lives, the sun predominates overhead.  Our sun embodies some 98+% of the mass of our planetary system & is considered in ancient wisdom of subjective reality as being non-other than that, that that I am is,  being of such, not different than we are eve’n appearing in that light of day, now as beings here on earth, being eve’r still that singularity.  In the tarot card picture for key 6, a winged angel spreads its arms overhead as extension of the sun, to encompass the two figures below.  The angel represents air, as gemini is an air sign, & thus transmission of consciousness in divine breath breathed as source of life in actuality of appearance in the light of day.  Thus the cosmic nature, the prana , vital life force, streams from from the angels hands to human conscious being, gestating from incentive to action symbolized by a hill(zion) in the background, now embodied in Adam(Atom) & Eve(E-wave).  Adam stands before the tree of human life bearing 12 fiery fruits.  Each fruit is divided into 3, representing the triplicity of the 4 elements, earth, air, fire, & water which = the 12 zodiac signs.  Eve stands before the tree of knowledge of good & evil or duality of appearing to disappear.  This tree bears 5 fruits representing the 5 senses.  Up this tree climbs the serpent, symbol of the power of electromagnetic waves of visibility that offer that temptation of the sensual sensational life apparent wherein we may appear to fall into object objective objectivity.  This illusion offers that opportunity through right or wrong discrimination for bondage or liberation, good (immutable reality) as evil (transient illusion).  Thus man / manas / mind is attracted to the sensual life by falling under the spell(ing) born out of that sacred wom(b) man as mind/potential to word/name, seeming to reflect that non-actual consciousness awareness that that that I am is.  Thus the self conscious intellectual mind / manas , even though predetermined by being that I am (buddhi/buddha), now is, seemingly, no longer directly aware of it.  Still, due to indivisible nature of that singularity, we continue to refer to that I am as ‘I am awake’; ‘I am walking’; ‘I am acting’; etc., etc., etc.,  Thus the power of that ignor-ance, that darkness causal body of that I am we experience directly in sleep still actualizes from w/in the wombman / brahma-yonim/source of inferior(actual) reality in response to outer impulses, manifesting the felt feeled field of eve-re thing w/out.  Thus in reality there is no real gain or loss as that singularity of being that, that that I am is, eve’n though being apparently not/na/d’na, in actuality, eve’r prevails, whether we want it to or not.

There are 4 letters in the ABBC missing from our modern Greco-Roman alphabet.  One is the case of Kayth.  A clue to the significance of this letter is found in its hieroglyphic equivalent, the twist of flax, ancient symbol of the double helix of D’NA.

Ch/ cheth/ kayth key 7 =feel d = field fence d fence shielding safeguarding safety cultivating a’s speech speaking  words, fencing particular felt fields /feelings of consciousness \/ con/w/she us ness she es hey eya u’s ness.  Speech defines.  Thus words are metaphoric fences enclosing particular fields of consciousness & right use of speech is means for safety.  In other words, right speech connects to unspoken thought which connects to that whole being which, when realized, offers true protection.

Intelligence of the House of Influence is mode of consciousness attributed to kayth.  House refers to B/beta, key 1 in ABBC, that locus or dwelling for human being, being as hue of man’as mind from which all actuality(karma/karta = action/actor) appears to move, to exit, to exist.  That now, person as person-na/d’na is like a fenced in area wherein universal forces (causal power of ignore-ance) actualize /appear to disappear.  This infinite power seems to take form as though(t) in form, as silent speech, to flow out in actual expression & manifestation.  Thus we take shape at the subconscious level of thought / mind / man’as to express ourself through sentences of style & figure’s of speech.  Cancer is the sign attributed to kayth.  Cancer, the crab, represents the hard carapace, the ‘fence’, that appears to surround person-na(d’na).  The pictoral image in ABBC for key 7 is the chariot w/charioteer symbol of that I am as that being appearing to move as though ‘fenced in’ a movable house / body / cube.  The chariot is surmounted by 4 pillars supporting a starry canopy, just as a house or cube is surrounded by 4 walls w/ceiling above & floor below.  The #4 is the number of order & measurement covered by 2 as = that which is above is as that which is below.  The starry canopy represents the celestial influence of distant constellations, stars & planets that surround us as though above & below.  Thus the person-na(d’na) is subject to subtle influence from beyond the walls of our house, flowing through as pervasive spacial reality, to be realized w/in as w/out.  The charioteer suggests kingship, the master-power behind all forms of life-expression.  He is the hermit/fool potentially taken for a ride as person-na(d’na) in the chariot, the house of influence, personality as vehicle for expression pulled by 5 horses, 5 senses which continually propound riddles, alluded to in mythology as the 2 sphinxes of mercy & severity, happiness & sorrow, love & hate.  Psychologically this relates to receptivity & will.  We may believe our will originates in person-na(d’na) w/out realizing that receptivity, that ‘take’ of re, that ‘grasp’ of being that, that that I am is.  That ‘grasp’ is w/in right understanding of language.

Letter  kayth \/ case reveals, in the morphology of language, cases wherein the nominative/subject is thought of as falling  into other various objective cases  as expressed in prepositions indicative of relationships to another substantive/noun/name, verb, or adjective; re: by, for, from, into, with, of.   Thus, after years of apparent conditioning by constant use of language to define & communicate, that subject, that I am, seems to actually fall under a spell(ing) wherein objectivity rather than subjectivity is the case for reality.  Reality of singularity of that subject, that I am, in all actuality, remains even in that infinite potential to be objectified or not/na/d’na.

In the event of falling in love love loving 2 box 2 cap enture 2 have & 2 hold to re tora mem ber a shin’ing a’s that way that wwwwwwwwwwwavvvvvvvvvvve vvvvvvvvvvvvvvowwwwwwwwwww 2 re

That shining a’s not towards a’s not 2 words a’s eya but away from a way vau’ing  vvvvvvvvavvvvvavvvvavavavavavavvoooooowwwwing ar o em part’ing waves w/\w/\w/\w/\w/\w/\w/ that twine\/eniwt twin being lovers re turning in 2 e c hay ch other a’s de en a gain & a gain & a gain a going a way to find another field of reeds to play a part from un one act I on\/am 2 re a lize that lies beneath the waves that zee story ndzzzzzz way vee’ing go o d by 2 that other shore sure that I am one to be questioning.

Adam & Eve = atom & e- wave = aton & eya +\/= that 3rd party that’un of es nun other than that that, that being we refer a’s 2 being that one space ‘n time that point pointing away parting a  way a wave vow which may appear to g g g go go go d’ing go d’ing go d’ing 1 2 bi one a’s to bi t’ing the app le ave a case i on of sinning of shinning bi disobeying go’ing d. D doer door to 2 be’ing’s (k)now shinning not a’s towards 2 words but 3,  that I am  www ww  w   w    w     w