
If you are just a bag of chemicals reacting to shit, how & why would you know that?

If you were a machine, would you be able to conceive of yourself as that?

If you are nothing, how can you conceive of yourself as nothing?

How can you conceive void w/out avoiding it?

If in the end, everything is lost, what was the point to anything?                                          That it seems everything is lost in the end, may be the point to realizing that which is capable of realizing that loss.  It seems that if we were incapable of realizing potential for complete loss, there would be no problem. It seems, something must remain in order to realize all that is lost.  Is that, that permanence, ever in the midst of impermanence & how do I know that?

Science & humanity?  Where is the humanity in science?

Is science a beautifully tailored suit w/out anybody in it?  A Super Bowl w/out fans?  A mansion w/out familia?

Will science ever find, ever know that I am, that scientist?  Will scientist continue pursuit of science w/out prestige & paycheck?

That problem, actually the problem, death, should be all the motivation one needs to be in perpetual search to realize a solution or not.  It is spoken in oral tradition that has perpetuated since time immemorial, that, apparently, the problem will continue, ad infinitum, until we do actually realize it.  The fact that actual life appears to end for any of us & we do not know when, that we all carry a death sentence from the instant of our birth,  offers motivation for one to seek an answer to why.  In that, there is no real difference between any of us, death stalks all, rich, poor, black, brown, beige, North, South, East, West, commie, socie, capie, male, female, undetermined, scientific, religious, philosophic, psychotic, in prison or mansion, & in between actual birth & death there is obviously a surfeit of suffering, for anyone who might consider avoiding this question of mortality till the last possible second, to boost the value for realizing an answer.  Never, never, never give up this quest but give yourself a break whenever you need it.

Is there need to protect against the terror of death by trying to convince yourself that death is not so terrible?                                                                                                     Though the conditions leading up to the actual passing may indeed be very terrible, there is reason to believe that  actual passing is not.  There are thousands of recorded NDEs, near death experiences & none are negative.  These recorded experiences seem  corroborated by the ‘little’ death of that falling away into  bliss of unmanifest darkness that we all experience as deep sleep.  Lord Krishna in the sacred Bhagavad Gita says of death that it is as though falling asleep to awake once more.  It seems we are falling back into our own causality.  Also scripture says of heaven & hell that these are temporal, lasting only until corresponding merits & demerits are exhausted.  These are just deserts but the main course will continue.                                                                         If it were suggested to the mind to enter a state of total darkness then that might seem terrifying yet the actual experience wherein there is complete surrender to that, that that I am is, is fullness bliss, the actual nature of that I am.  If we are put into a complete darkness while awake, w/out surrendering our self concept, that may be another matter all together.  Fortunately, actual death, it seems, does require relinquishing all concept w/exception of that subtle causal body of infinite potential / potis esse / able(ability) to be.                                                                                                                                                               That I am finding myself as one of the luckiest to have experienced near death at age 2+ means that the quest for liberation/realization is a given in this actual life, that I am now destined to actively seek/realize the real point to it all.  It seems this samsara, this awe full world of sorrow, is most beneficial for realizing liberation.  That we live in such denial/ignore-ance of death means that we will most likely fear it.  The terrible irony is that fear is generated by the very power of ignore-ance that actually creates the situation of appearing to disappear in the first place.  I mean, you gotta laugh as well as cry at the sheer reversal of what we think of as good & bad, fortune & misfortune, wealth & poverty, gain & loss.

In that ABBC/alphabeta binary code;                                                                                                     N = Nun/noon; key 13 as noun means fish & verb means ‘to sprout, to grow.  In essence nun/noon suggests  ideas of fertility, fecundity, productiveness, generative power, causality.  Thus the ‘N’ letter/word meaning reveals the whole process of actuality actualizing as beginning & end as singular manifest/unmanifest reality of actor/action, karta/karma.  Now we see that death, thought of as end is in fact inherent in any & all beginning.  Of such is the singularity of actual reality in that, that that I am is.

That way of eve(wave) re y motion is the wave re y function attributed to nun.  We see this in the corresponding hieroglyph for nun, the wavy line, symbol of the electromagnetic property of all causality.  From this actuality are derived that great variety of other meanings such as to travel, to grow, to depart, to pass away, to whirl as w(h)orld, to sail away, etc..  All motion is change, transformation, modification, variation leading to conception of that motion, electromagnetism, as basis for all manifestation, grounded in that gravity of actuality in that I am appearing to disappear at any moment in time.  In the picture for key 13 we find a river flowing out of a setting sun as any river is part of the cycle of transformations of water rising from the sea to become clouds to rain down & flow back through various courses.  This cycle is analogous to manifesting as that, in that there is no essential gain or loss.  There is still the same amount of water, as far as we know, now as always has been on the planet.  Though the human population is much much greater than at any time in recorded history, the same amount of elements comprising the organic bio-mass remains the same.  Dinosaurs, mammoths, grizzly bears, forests transform in time to soccer moms & soldier dads as mineral laden mountains transform to SUVs & M16s, lava-beds to lap-tops, rags to green-backs, fire-crackers to fat-man, & are we having fun yet or do we need more genocidal mania to prove how extreme man’as mind can stretch the resources from most amazing to most despising?  Where’s the compassion in all the passion?  Where’s the humanity in all the science.

Scorpio, a fixed watery sign, assigned to nun, connects to sexual reproduction, as in ‘where’ do all the people come from.  The color cyan/greenish-blue & musical tone G-natural are also assigned to nun/death.

Imaginative Intelligence is the mode of consciousness attributed to nun as it is ‘the ground of similarity’ of all being transmitted through reproductive function.  The erotic pleasure of the sexual act of reproduction is as much generated by imagination as it is actually found in the exchange of bodily fluids.  The mode is imaginative as all actuality is that infinite potential that we imagine, as that I am appearing, through power of I magica/ars/art/being that I am y infinite potential.  ” All changes are primarily changes in mental imagery.  Change the image & ultimately the external form will change. The Bible says death is the last enemy to overcome.  But how?, ‘Overcome evil[transience] w/ good.  Love your enemies.[realize Love Supreme is the very whole nature of actual reality]'”-PFC

“The forces of change which result in physical death are inimical only because we misunderstand & fear them.  They are forces connected w/ reproduction & by the right use of imagination they may be tamed & transformed, so that they can be used for indefinite prolongation of physical existence.  Death, like every other event in human life, is a manifestation of law.  When we understand the law we can direct the forces of change so as to overcome death.  Yet understanding never will be ours until fear, not only of dying, but of death itself, has been overcome by right Knowledge, and by right interpretation of the phenomenon of physical dissolution.”  PFC;  Wyly adds this quote for the sake of those transhumanists out there.  Finding/realizing that I am here & now alleviates any real need for prolongation of that mirage of physical existence.  On the other hand, there is no real point, or even real possibility, to prolongation w/out that realization.  Consider 3 Saturn cycles (nearly 90 years) sufficient for a full life.  The first cycle of Saturn circling the sun(29.6 years) is to grow & get your ‘ya-ya’s out, the second (30 to 60) for psychological development, & the third (60 to 90) for maturation of spiritual (that I am) realization.  Beyond that, what am I fighting for?  The immutable infinitude of that I am may not be altered or modified no matter how much time or space we may appear to occupy.  That being said, we just do not know now how much we may be allotted so my advice is do not waste it getting wasted & denying yourself the glory of realizing that, that that I am is.  Realizing that, we realize the illusion of/in space-time & being free freed freedom of appearing to disappear in that.

In the 3-D pictorial book / cube / house of 22 cards, the Tarot, key 13 naturally is illustrated w/the skeleton w/the scythe, reaping living hands, feet, & heads, which protrude from the ground.  Behind skeleton flows the river out of background of rising sun.  The river moves from NW to SE & smiling (skulls, incapable of frowning, always smile) reaper walks in same direction.  One of the heads protruding from the ground is male & wears a crown, the other, female, wears no crown, symbolic of right & left hemispheres of the brain. The female / right brain wears no crown as it is w/out personal sense of ego adornment being that ancient changeless whole singular awareness beyond any scale of measurable space-time.  The male / left brain, the new / nuning half on the other hand, is crowned w/shining ego requiring objective worship & constant reinforcement.   On the south side is a bush bearing a single white rose, symbol of pre-mergence of various colors in that singular singularity of that bush / box / pyx / vessel in which the Host is pre-served.  The sky in the background is red.                                                                                                                                                                         The skeleton [< NL < Gk. skeleton (soma) dried (body), mummy < skeletos dried up] is the framework essential for movement of the human (hue of manas/mind)body.  Similarly wave waving change (electro-magnetism grounded in gravity of that I am appearing to disappear in time) is the framework for the whole body of phenomenal existence.  The idea here is perpetuity, permanence in the midst of impermanence.  We may find skeletal bones dating hundreds, thousands, even millions of years.  The hardest element of bone is star dust, a constant reminder of being that star(t) in beginning, middle, & end of actual infinite universe.  That is the essence of cosmic existence, to be perpetually perpetuated,  re producing being a’s being re produced.  That is our real purpose here & now, realize that, that that I am is that eternal eternality in the midst, the center of all apparent circumferential change.

Joshua /Jah-shua/Jesus/Joseph is the son/sun/light/center of nun/death/motion/actual-actuality = Jah/Yod/Iota/That I am liberated liberation = that, the entire cosmic order is fundamentally liberative liberation / essentially free freed freedom.

Will this internet ever be able to acknowledge itself a’s that?

Will internet I.D. itself?

Will this internet become I’ternet?  In the interim of that I am wondering.

Why reason?

Why reason = Y reason = Yodhay potential is(I’s) re a’s on/ ayin nun / ay(I) in(am)      nun/noon/death is reason enough to stuff 1 to 0 magnitude 4 multitude of universes , verses in centrality of uni, of that singularity, that that that I am, is.