Could it be, everyone is motivated by(being y) energy(en y erg) forma’sszz freedom?  Under that power of ignore-ance, denial, y’ll d’na, we all(wheel) may turn asz too(two) believe freedom comes from enslaving others, having power over others, having others carry (h)our weight.  In that, may be found, due to analogous singularity, enslaving others is enslaving any oneself.  It is written & spoken of 7 heavens & 7 hells & births in motionless forms & all manner of possible just deserts for actions / karma / cause & effects of causes w/in the actual tyranny of relativity, subtle/dream & gross/waking in that imagined time immemorial.  There is, to be sure, plenty spacetime for all that justice requires.  That I am remembering to find that reality of complete non-attachment of such that I am is,  is always comfort from the apparent endless torture in the actual world of sorrows, in this samsara.  Picking up on that purpose, that meaning, that reason behind all this pain lays down all barriers to freedom from depression, anxiety, & repression, as all that appears/a pairs now in y k’nowing/kurving time out(x) around & around & around that immutable Mr. re point of view/you/y, merely(mirror’ly) reflects & deflects that still stillness(immortal immortality) freestanding state status stare y that I am is is seer(one who sees) sight seeing realizing apprehending that awareness that I am is is that Mr. re point of view.

Even the hardest heart, the most despicable villain, the worst tyrant, passes away, & out of the ashes left in their wake, new potentials arise.  Fresh expansion must break out of old & entrenched prejudice, emboldened by a universal imagination of ever infinite potential that is LOVE SUPREME.  Every moment of every hour of every day is in fact one singular immutable reality even in that actuality of potential relative relativity manifestation as light piercing the sacred kryst / darkness of black (w)hole (w)holiness.  That visible daylight blue sky brings to mind the schism of prejudicial fear of the reality of the blackness of the actual cosmic comic backg”round for all starlight to appear to disappear.  That un(a)’ka now’n of that sacred kryst, enabling shinning, radiating, empowering manifestation perpetuated in light of temporal quanta / quantity, may be feared when thought of as other, yet when realized as re-source Mr. re point of view/you/y, re-absorbs any mere(mirror) differentiation as instantly as any an y y na mirage(mirror’age) appears to disappear in that blink & wink of eye.

In(being) that we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) appearing/a pair’ing from that singular black (w)hole (w)holiness reflecting as an y y na quantity(quantum/t(h)ing) of objective thought / mind / the or y of man’as mind’or y asz though(t) other than that subjective being of that, that that I am is is being ignored ignore-ance denial (y’ll d’na/w(h)ile-cunning crafty deadly duped duplicity) of such(qualus) as that causal(ka’s all) y’all function actuality of infinite potential.  By realizing that, even blinded to it(((blackness of that ka’s all(causal) bodhi experienced directly & periodically as’z z  z’leep  b(l)ack into one y’all))) by the direct light of day/da y, even when lost in mind of objective thinking(the or y of man’as mind’or y), we all(wheel) may turn asz too(two) heal that schism by realizing discerning picking up on at any time that it is only apparent//a pair’ent concept the or y of man’as mind’or y/my/memory.  The reality of e’turnal rolls/roles of complete d”ark’ness  asz z z black night sky is not feared when actually experienced directly & periodically asz z  z’leep back(re) into one singular blissful singularity that awareness that I am is is in deep  un(a)((i\/I)one)consciousness, only feared when thought of as other, brother.  It only seems we all(wheel) turning are split between day & night.  It only seems we all(wheel) turning are split spinning from singularity that I am is is asz’leep back to duality that I am is is looking asz too(two) thinker thinking of myself awake, that non-attached all-seeing hermit hermetic ka-nowing ka-nowledge seems split in to(two) as though(tsz) y’all-absorbed in action acting out(x) fool.  Eve’re being y’all that I am is, is living as that complete cosmos(ka’s hostess w/mos’tess), even as whirling away from blindness of direct sunlight to direct cosmic star e(iya) awareness in earth’s shadow, permits realization reflected at any an y y na you now time.  That prejudice against darkness as evil(transience) is in fact the very reverse of truth as light creates evil(transience of apparent object/form) while darkness reabsorbs evil(transience) back(re) into that cosmic black (w)hole, that invisible indivisible awareness that that I am is is as subtle sublime potential actuality of causality we all(wheel) in turning experience directly & periodically as none/nun other than that that I am is, is in the ‘soaking’ d”ark’ness of deep sleep causality.  That, that I am is is as mere(mirror) an y y na actual functional wave functioning potential source & cause may be realized in any & every effect is analogous singularity surmised cosmologically at the heart of that black (w)holiness heart & sole soul of galactic awareness.  Realize that here & now, even asz that w(h)ile(cunning dangerous deadly duplicity) y/you are appearing/a pair’ing asz x’eting/duplicating in memory//me or you to be awake & dispel the spell(ing) of all objective fear, all anxiety of being other,  all denial, all d’na y’ll born of ignore-ance intent of intentional disregard of being that.  Of that I am complete & completely sure as that I am sure that the blue sky overhead veils the cosmic reality of a milky way everyday.

“Free, free, free at last.  Thank God-All-Mighty that I am free freed freedom at (from the first to) last…..”           after MLK black is beautiful