Turning to re, we may find, being completely surrounded & absorbed by a cosmos that obliterates any particular bodies through a scale of such magnitude while still being that I am knowing this, any rendition of that, even conceived as me & you, is truly bodiless amidst any potential body.  After all, what can be said of such space as other than being that complete pervasiveness throughout the time it takes to produce any & all theory, the o(ayin) r y(od) / that I am r(e) you?

That ABBC / alphabeta binary code / alpha being c’er\/re allows all babalesque towering conceptual word towers to fall back into that sacred ground of letter(al) reality, that re ality of all concept.  This letter code, this ancient connection to that sacred body of law, that bodhi / buddhi/ knowledge / knower re constituted from a thousands years synthesis of sound now in Greco-Roman form directly derived from  Hebraic-Hieroglyphic root, offers rare(ra re) insight into the real meaning of Abraham as A b ra aham / Alpha(aleph/aten) being that(ra) aham(I am) = that purpose /intent of man’as mind to realize that, that that I am is.  That is a’s re source, a’s principal principle truth basic to all truths as letter is basic to all word concept that develop from utter utterance of that organ of speech out of which issue the issues of life, the vibration of sound scientific actuality seen in sight.  Seeing being that tonicity basis of activity, that tone of C / c’ng natural(ly).

Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over & over again & expecting different results.  Until we break that spell(ing) of word concept conceiving ourself as other than that, that that I am is, well………….that babelesque tower will twist & torture, a’s appearing in two strands of a singular DNA (designated natural atman) or d’na/denial of that singular singularity.