to witness that realization of why, though we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) search mightily, we’ll(wheel) in y’all e’turn’ity  never actually see the birth of a star.  Perhaps actuality w/holds this mystery that we’ll(wheel) turn to realize never seeing our own birth being of such unborn existence of that awareness that I am is is before taking on learning & finding ourself now k’now’ing under the in word spell(ing) of that illusion alluded asz too(two) in(being) that singular singularity that I am now turning around k’now’ing(k’no no no’wing denying indivisible in’visibility of that singularity) appearing/a pairing as too/two disappearing.  To think that, one must learn the word to define, to re-cognize, to know again.  That any appearing requires in word language.

That I am finding a near death at 2+ years, gave insight for a brief period at that time, 1951, to be able to recognize prior to actually acquiring language, to recognize in word faces of parents & eve’n(a) complex ‘machinery’.  Normally, at that age, we’ll(wheel) turn in(being) supersonic cognition w/out t(h)ing’king thought, w/out objectifying, being of such y’all (w)on(e)der full invisible singularity undivided by being in’visibility learned language facility function merely(mirror’ly) to look at & think about, & reflect a sum thing now k’now’ing/k’urving time around denial(k’no no no’wing) of being still invisible by appearing a’s though(tsz) many & other than that that I am that seer sight seeing.  At that pre’verbal/word all age we’ll(wheel) turn in(being) cognizant cognition w/out conceiving concept re; minding an apparent duality(do-ality) of being appearing being thinker to thought.  In non-actual  non-functional reality that I am is is never divided in word, never appears to disappear.  We all(wheel)  in turning out of that singular black’g’round must asz though’tsz too(two) learn language to divide, to find that I am seer sight seeing objects w/out realizing y y y?!?! that I am is is now turning around k’now’ing(k’no no no’wing denial of being still indivisible in’visibility) out(x) asz thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’king forma’sszz z  z y x(out) y x’eting/duplicating invisibly indivisible invisibility in mirror memory as thoughtsz & therefore filling all conception w/out(x) w/d’na y’ll, denial of that.  That learning, possible w/out developing an apparent schism between that subject, that I am, & the felt feeling feeled/field of action-y’all actuality, need only be desired rather than ignored, need only be desired rather than ignored, NEED ONLY BE DESIRED RATHER THAN IGNORED.  Y y Y y’all only need desire to realize that, that that I am is, is that singularity of being, the fool that I am appearing to be able to stick my(memory) finger in the fan, to find healing resolution for the apparent schism.

In ABBC, alphabeta binary code, ~A~ reveals a’s 3300+ years old secret asz  alpha/aleph, most enigmatic letter of all language formulated from Hebraic-Hieroglyphic root.  A B’ng C’ng still in the first place this primary letter may reveal, as in y’all beginnings, the reality of that, that I am searching for a’s where or how else ma’y we all(wheel) turn to begin.  It seems until we all(wheel) turn to find/realize that truth of a being still in the first place in the beginning, we all(wheel) forma’sszz z  z e(iya) turn’ity may not know it ending, n’ding, be’aming y’all along the way of eve(wave) re y body  function to mere(mirror) being being(in) now k’no no no’w’ing asz any a na y function.

A / Aleph / Alpha -key 0 is said to transliterate from Hebrew as Bull or Ox(0 w/X twis’ting = 8 appearing now a pairing) . This may refer to Age of Taurus when the bull was dominant ‘god-symbol’ & believed by some linguists to establish time of invention of the alphabet.  Examined in light of Dead Sea Scrolls, Aleph reveals a combination of hieroglyphic signs transcribed into hieratic or cursive form, used mainly in the 18th Dynasty in the time of the monotheistic pharaoh Akhenaten{{{{{Pa’roo’ma Aw/akhen aten}}}}} (I am aten / that I am).  In the hieroglyphic A/Aleph/Aten is found a union of 4 signs -the reed / yod + the half loaf / t + the wavy line / n which = ytn(you that na/now) + the hieroglyph of circled dot / re = re aten ; that 1st letter / 1st principal principle of sum thing, that center centered centrality Mr. re point of view, of you/yod/that I am, dominant being being of the (h)’earth, universal personic man’as mind of a hue & cry to that race to realize that free freed freedom continuous continuity that that that I am is, re el/al I t(h) y.

That principal principle, that, that that I am is, is pictured in Tarot, (that 3-D book of picture cards(house of cards) based on 22 letters), as androgynous youth, the fool, walking towards a precipice backed by snowy mountain peaks & a white sun, accompanied by a little white dog.  The little white dog, descendant of wolves & jackals symbolizes “human adaptation wherein something wild & dangerous in unmodified processes of nature has been changed to friend, helper, & companion”.  Also as jackal headed Hermanubis re-presents intellect born of self-consciousness that separates human, that discrete hue of man’as mind, from animal.  That unseen seer sight seeing now k’now’en y is re presented in terms of our own experience of that as eve’r(e y) being being that timeless inner nature, that y/you/yod hermit hermetic hermes seer, that one who sees, y ever nonattached to what appears/a’pairs in(being) memory/me or you to be eve’re y changing w/out(x).  Thus we find that I am as y we all(wheel) turn to ‘fall’ back into the deep sleep(asz’leep back in(being)) of our own causality, that causality of infinite potential bliss of that LOVE SUPREME, now k’now’ing (a)waking a’s though(t) two issuing, beaming, be’ aming forth, a’s though(t) two being(s), named & un-named, now k’now’ing eve’re y fooled fool to suffer all that (e)n’d(o)ing that may be seeing a’s seen/scene to create that value for realizing it.  That fool rushes in as y we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) rush to rush hour w/out barely a nod to contemplate our navel, our source, to give ourselves a reasonable transition from all seeing hermit to all doing fool.  Thus we rush to end of our life w/any a na y beginning w/out realizing who we all(wheel) turn into & are all along, in the beginning, middle, & end.  To that end of beginning causality we all(wheel) must turn in(being) e turn’ity asz too(two) begin again & again & again or not or a’s though(t) na, in d’na y’ll(deni’y’all) of that.

It seems the adepts formulating these symbols have as such a keen sense of humor as that very causal power of ignore-ance generating potential actuality of actor/action, fools one into as such believing that folly of y appearing to disappear that y we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) find finding ourselves building all manner of walls & hoarding all manner of stuff, wrapping ourself in layers of narrative(na-rating) memory, to attempt to secure that indivisible from invasion of anything appearing to be other, & thus cleverly evading realizing that very singularity that that, that I am is.  How is that even possible?  Apparently it is, or na, or a’s d’na y’ll still free free free freed freedom FREE FREED FREEDOM of that singular state standing status STAR’E Y y stare’ing out(x) asz thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing that that I am is is any a na y bodhi being to perceive, to think, to wish, to desire y’all that I am.

That y we all(wheel) eve’n(a) turning into e turn’ity remain that singular sum thing apprehending, conceiving w/out actually being conceived is born out by instantaneousness of our return, our turn to re, in falling back into our own causality, falling asleep.  That we fail to consider, even for a real moment, our transition from that hermetic singularity to waking foolish duality/do-ality denies realizing the ever-present glory of y being x(out) being  that, that that I am is is any a na y appearance/a pair’ance.  Yet the opportunity may be there at any waking moment to give yourself the chance of a lifetime.  Over that lifetime we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) develop a conceptual narrative of objectivity, a memory/me or you based conceptual wrap that seems to veil our true identity.  In time we all(wheel) turn to learn to think & think of being an object to be seen in any surface, polished & smooth enough to reflect our projection.  This image is in fact, only a mental projection as we all(wheel) turn to find our position of center centered centrality remains still(immortal) as we all(wheel) turn to stare/ gaze elsewhere as well.  Whether seeing mirror, wall, window, etc., we all(wheel) turn forma’sszz z  z a w(h)ile( cunning deadly duplicating duplicity)ever remaining that center centered centrality of observer observing observation.  It seems only a fool would think otherwise, that somehow now we all(wheel) are turning into the mirror.  Then, like that fool Narcissus, we all(wheel) turn to fall for being being in love w/a projection, we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) project projecting projection of love w/out realizing it, y LOVE SUPREME, that I am, is is positive negativity(ignore-ance projector projecting projection.  We all(wheel) literally, then turn to fall to our demise as only a fool, appearing in the light of day, but never as that wise hermit, disappearing in the d”ark of noon, that way of eve(wave) re y function of mere(mirror) being being.