that search [< OF cercher < L circare  to go round, explore < circus ring] of re / back is that return, that turn to re, to our back side, to that, our causality, to that missing / invisible half.  Being invisible invisibility, that cannot be found, cannot be seen, yet must be realized to be whole, to be wholly appreciated in that fullness, that (w)hole holiness that that I am is is.  When we all(wheel) in turn(ing) realize that, we all(wheel) in turn(ing) realize not a thing is missing & realizing that completion, we all(wheel) by turns realize not a thing may be added at any time in space.

In functional actuality, that Mr. re appears backg’round & around & around asz z   that 3-ring circus of deep sleep, dream, & waking awareness of that person as apparent/a pair’ent in(being) re-memory/me or you person-na’ally.  It finds analogy in that an y COSMIC PERSON-Y NA of INFINITE INVISIBLE DARKNESS POTENTIAL, & DREAM, & WAKING QUAKING VISIBLE UNIVERSE, our cosmic counterpoint.  The only difference being a heck of lot more time-space, energy & people people PEOPLE.  That superPERSONic being is that INDIVISIBLE INDIVIDUAL INDIVISIBILITY, THAT, we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) realize when realizing that, that I am is is, eve’n while reading or writing this.

Researching that aspect of alphabeta, the vowel, the actual expression of breath(ka kaph’ing) as voiced sounds, is finding why Y / yod is is dispersed in 4 letters in (h)our modern Greco-Roman version.  These 4 letters, E, I, J, & Y may stand for Energy, Intelligence, Justice, & most importantly ‘Y’ / why.  Why?  Why?  Why? That I am is is for what cause, purpose, or reason?  In that, because, be’ng  cause, realize you’re(Mr. re) y cause as being the cause on purpose, fully conscious consciousness of why or what it is that that I am is is.  In that that search for re is realizing none / nun other / o(ayin-I in) than the’r(e) is that  searched for, that reason, that re as on / ana as in ana logos, that ‘food’ for thought as word of Thoth / HERMES TRISMEGISTUS, wisdom of alchemy, that metaphoric transmutation of base metals to gold, me t(a) al(l) s(a)/that go(ing) l/el/divine do’or/do’er & the search for the alkahest, the universal (re) solvent & the panacea, the re-medy for all ills.  That ain’t all bad or all fantasy unless we chose to deny it, the re-ality of that, that that I am is is.

Isaac Newton, father of modern science, subscribed to alchemy.  Perhaps he, like Albert Einstein, intuited that real ‘gold’, that ‘old one’, that hermetic wisdom that transmutes & resolves all re-lativity back/re into any mere(mirror) an y y na  actual way of(wave) function’y’all  causality of a/A, wholly / holy being, a/A k(a)new (realized) creature / c re atu(n) re, person of that cosmic / ka as mos(t) supreme being being that mere(mirror) awareness reflecting that an y y na t(h)ing’king that I am is is.

“Just as(justice) the world is created from dark Chaos, through the bringing forth of the light, & the separation of the fiery firmament & the waters from the earth, so our work brings forth the beginning out of black chaos(certain certainty be(ing) cause kind of space) & in its first matter through the separation of the elements & the illumination of matter.”…Isaac Newton reflected in the 1680’s in his painstaking quest for alchemy, not of gold so much as to know the great mind(MAHIMANAHA) of the Creator, the Great Lord, the Great Word in the beginning & ending(n’d(o)’ng-wwwwwww) of space-time.  His 25 year experiments in a shed attached to Cambridge University surpassed the time he spent on his monumental theories of gravity & light & the notes he amassed, equivalent to a 500,000 page book on the subject.  He had time for this as no one attended his classes after the first day, being that his words stretched so far beyond any potential student’s comprehension!