the age of man’as mind bearing water / mem or y of that consciousness / awareness of whom we all(wheel) are turning into.  That, apparently is news to us as we all in turn seem to have forgotten it or at least chosen to generally ignore it now for awhile in favor of time space duplicity.  Then, also, it seems the whole idea of new age is being denigrated before it even arrives perhaps in order to perpetuate our ignorance of it for as long as possible.  Why?  The whole problem of denial may be attributed to a bad hair day.  The best solution may be hair fire.  HAIR FIRE allows no denial of the problem of ignore-ance as that sense of urgency to realize why(Y) is greatly enhanced by hair’s proximity to our brain.  The spark for this fire is knowledge of Y which is common in y’all, yet not commonly realized, being well hidden w/in y’all.  That knowledge is of such extraordinary quality of being that, I am sure it will destroy ignore-ance completely.  Or, in other words, sizzle your grits.  Why settle for mere mirror being as’z though’tsz appearing a pairing, after realizing that invisible invincible indivisible individual Y by being y you’re; you in the first place?

The idea of ages is based on a 26000 +/- years cycle called a Great Year perceived on the fact that we all turning on the earth, wobble, we’re wobbly in our spinning round & thus appear to have longer & shorter days & nights & seasons like a drunk on a 12 month bender.  Once upon a time we all in turning believed being on the earth were the center of the universe which spun around us.  Now we all in turning spin around it or at least in it.  Still, as far as we all in turning know or observe anything else, must remain still stillness at the center in order to observe the spin of things w/out getting dizzy & falling down.

Once, before being as though(tsz) up on a time as general concept of relativity rather than fact, that ancient one perceived y’all as being still that ancient being & naturally began as that beginningless  formless center of infinite potential for light to appear in actuality as dreamer of dreams.  Now as then one thing led to another to form & appear aghast/ a g(h)as as solid / sol(e) I d being now as a serious/ series matter waving good by by appearing as evil/ e fell in two do-ality by duplicity of  objectivity.  Being still that ancient one remained awareness infinite till that seem-y time when as though(tsz) beginning to think & turned in thought as otherwise till day ruled night & actuality as an objective began to be seen as that only reality.  Being appeared now awhile in time space to be as two beings in that duplicitous actuality of actor appearing on stages of action in time now to disappear.  Still at the center that I am, ka-now in actuality turning here & now into then & there in that wheel, that we’ll reach reaching out as to appear to divide that apparent circumferential circumstance of 1 as 2 or 12.  Now that appears to be a belt encircling the center, that I am, as a seeing see’n in plane sight as imagining of a planer ecliptic passing through the center of the sun extending out to a ring of animate constellations, a circle of animals we all in turning now call zodiac.  Now it seems now we all are turning into a zoo.

Re; back here on earth, wobbling around like that drunk on a 12 month bender, we all in turn like to think of time in terms of which animal appears when periodically pulling our head out of our butt & looking out at the heavens as that wobble finds a brief periodic level w/ the ecliptic.  This we all in turning do about every 2400 +/- years or so till now looking at that one animal that looks a lot like us, that be the man.  The only difference is that instead of guzzling on the beverage, she appears to be pouring it out all over the ground.  Does this mean something new is going on?

Of course we all in turning into earthlings are spread out & some of us on the other side see, in the opposite direction, a lion, & they ain’t lyin’.   Man, lion, lion, man.  Sure sounds like a sphinx, if sphinx were talking.  Is somebody trying to tell us something?   This ancient geodetic marker may be a reminder of another (first) time, a curious crumbling enigma beckoning a return, a turn to re.  That it takes a much greater & grander sense of being in time to realizing that 5th dimension of genus homo, a dimension as far beyond ordinary humanity as that between human & animal,  between grandpa & Pharaohs of yore, we all in turn may want to metaphorically jump on the back of that ancient cat-man to see in that eternal timeless way of one who has been the e star’e w’ay gazing out in of such a form as to comprehend that message of the ages.  We all in turning may find analogy of that in key 17 of ABBC, alphabeta binary code.  This key is missing in our modern Greco-Roman version.

Ts \/ Tz tzaddhi tzaddhi tzaddhi key 17, also Cz / czar / star a’s estar te the star(t) to hook, the ‘hey’ oo ka,  to draw the fish, the nun/noon out of the water / mem, to reflect on that retina to retain a re-verse image, to realize to real i\/I zee ‘ ing ing ing ing a nun a’s nun other than that I am seeing a’s b’ing be among ing ing ing  in reflection re flect ion\/noi of that person that purusha suspended a’s suspect y 2 b x is t’ing ing ing ing ing (k)now’ing ing ing  ing   ing lifting up in zee ro ro ro gee’z z z z z z z us  a’s that solution that sol u (a)t i\/I on\/am) in dissolution a’s dis solution a’s dat sol(e) u (a)ton I.  Huh?

It seems ancient scribes adopted this double consonant as a reminder, after all, as they already had the sounds of T & S in their alphabet.  Curiously, we all in turn find correspondence of this Hebrew letter, in the Little Hymn of Akhenaten, as a hieroglyph of a man standing or kneeling w/arms raised in exultation of the heavens, the stars, the estarte.  Thus is recalled that time of realization es star te of, what we all turn to now think of as monotheism, yet may be in fact, realization of that singularity of that, that that I am is is.  We all in turning into it are now on the dawn of the Age of Aquarius / aqua ri us, a re mem brance of that first time, that first principal principle, re; adonay.  We all turning around & around must remember in that, the complete nature including cause in effect, invisible indivisible in visible individual.  After all, this universe actually is invisible light in indivisible dark / black (w)hole holiness, an apparent potential actuality of that non-actual re-ality that I am is is, a’sz ka y now appearing a’s though(tsz) in a simultaneous series of pulsing waves of magnetism & electricity, radio waves, wa(y)vis  of ra-dios, that divine spark a’s blank frequencies re-quiring bio-reflection on a re-tina, to be then transmitted through optic nerve to billion+ neurons in back/re of apparent brain/brahmin/reality in order to experience, to inform through thought/Thoth & develop a’s narrative in given word name to actually appear to act, to be Abel, in one play, one drama/d’ra ma of duplicitous duality/do-ality in ignore-ance, intentional disregard of singularity of/in that I am certain certainty.  And that ain’t all bad, in fact coming from good/re; divine causality.  Everyone, good, bad, & ugly, comes from, exists as, & returns to that sacred divine cause experienced in un(a)(one)consciousness as that bliss full fullness projecting fullness LOVE SUPREME, that, that that I am is now awhile in actuality, actually in all effect.  The fact is, apparently there can be no hate w/out that LOVE SUPREME, whether  realizing it or not.  What is perceived as evil(transience) serves one purpose, to pressure & be pressured in that imminent gravity of death of one, now appearing as too/two disappear, to gain a value, to spark hairfire, to realize, even in actuality/ignore-ance, that extraordinary singularity of being one in zero, ze ro  ro   ro that that, that I am is.  From the highest authority to the lowest victim, from the greatest nation to worst outcast country, all serve in actuality of zero, ze ro  ro   ro of one singular cause, to affect & effect reality of realization liberation even under the heaviest spell of ignore-ance of that purpose.  When you/yod realize that, you/yod stop dancing on the head of a pin & lose that fear of falling off.

As far as that new creature goes, who, apart from you / yod, can know it?  The ka-new person-na, y na you now have no separate existence from that PERSON / PURUSHAHA / THAT eve’r y KA NEW ANCIENT OF DAYS, eve’n as eons keep piling up bones to find THAT I AM a whole ka new creature c’ing / c’n re a tu re / c’er \/ re a’s tu re, zero, ze-ro ro  ro of that ka-new.  Despite all that space-time of belief in nothing & consequent quest for annihilation to achieve that, we all(wheel) now awhile still turning may find that I am is is remaining whole / wholly / holy y’all along even in that new age & even as whole ka new creature which coincidently relates directly to the New Kingdom Amarna Pharaohs of Akhenaten-Tutankhaten-Ay.  It may be our dawning new age harkens back 3300 +/- years to a brief period b.c.e. of re-ality re-alized, brought forward by the recent, less than 100 year old, discovery of an ancient tomb treasure of Tutankhaten/amun.  The word treasure is a doublet to the word thesaurus & thus we all may turn to find that store of precious stones & gold metal is in reality a blind to a treasury of a store house of word.  That is the true value revealed now, hidden in plane sight for 33+/- centuries in the alphabeta used everyday.  That I am actually writing these words makes for a wondering why the need to continue denying ourselves that treasure any longer?

Ts, Tzaddhi, key 17 of the ABBC is the picture of a water bearer, a woman pouring into a pool w/a pitcher in her right hand while simultaneously pouring out that water onto the ground from a pitcher in her left hand.  This right to left transference of that singular unmodified water is symbolic of consciousness / awareness / cosmic mind-stuff / saguna brahma / reality w/potential actuality, pooled as limitless reservoir of that right ‘old’ feminine brain hemisphere transferred / handed to that ‘new’ masculine left brain hemisphere to pour through the channel of the 5 senses.

Natural Intelligence is mode of consciousness attributed to Tzaddi.  Tzaddi is the ‘hook’, ?, the angle of Y, the quest’ion, sinking in to that pool of consciousness through the function of meditation as that unbroken flow of knowledge in a particular object / pitcher / vessel / brain-mind.  This ‘fishing’ w/ an angle Y, ?, is conceiving things mental to transfer to things physical a’s name/form or namarupa.  In the causal darkness germinates ideas to develop in the light.  Natural intelligence, awareness of the hidden quality, the invisible ‘of such’ cause of nature is arrived at / realized by meditation, a musing, a cogitating, pondering, considering in that, that that I am is is whether sitting in quietude or shrieking in platitude.

Now, in actuality there is a definite definitive force w/ definite physical forms of expression.  In picture key 17 this is signified by a great yellow star, symbol of cosmic ra-diant energy sent forth by all the various suns & fixed stars of the visible universe.  That this electro-magnetic light energy is invisible until it arrives inverted on the cones & rods, the molecules of a re-tina(little re) & translated through an optic nerve to billions of neuron trees in neo/new cortex of the brain, makes it no less, well, cosmic(ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) bodhi being to perceive in a curve’ing of now(time) to appear/a pair awhile(space) in opposition of seer to b’ng across(x) from that seen/scene).

Key 17 also pictures 7 smaller stars re-ferring to the 7 interior stars / chakras / nerve centers in the human body.  These wheels / we’ll’s / wills are analogous to the 7 ‘metals of alchemy, 7 planets of esoteric or humanistic astrology & the 7 types of stars in modern astronomy.  They are in descending order:

  1.  ShAHAShRARA / pineal gland corresponding in ABBC to letter B / Beta key 1 Intelligence of Transparency, that of ‘letting light shine through’ as free channel of communication in E-natural in duality of life & death analogous to planet Mercury & element  mercury / quicksilver.  In the 3-D cubic book / house of cards  /  Tarot / ABBC , KEY 1 , the Magus/Magician is the upper face, the ceiling, channeling that ka’s mic ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi above, mere inches above the head.
  2. AJNA / pituitary gland / post-nasal ganglion – letter C-G / Gimel key 2  Uniting Intelligence, that subconscious connecting medium / ground in G-sharp in duality of peace & strife, planet Moon, element silver, KEY 2 , the High Priestess is lower face, the ground floor, that below
  3. VIShUDDHI / pharyngeal plexus – letter D / Daleth  key 3                                               Luminous Intelligence, deductions from observations enabling us to find a way out of bondage & limitations in F-sharp-G-flat in duality wisdom & folly, planet Venus, element copper/brass, KEY 3, the Empress is eastern face / wall, that East
  4. ANAHATA / cardiac plexus – letter R / Resh key 19                                                               Collective Intelligence, collecting, bringing together, uniting, assembling, combining, embodying, synthesizing, concentrating all modes that have gone before in a new form, new re-alization of person-na in duality of fruitfulness & sterility, planet Sun, element gold, KEY 19, the Sun is southern face/wall, that South
  5. MANIPURA / solar plexus – letter K / Kaph key 10                                                             Conciliation Intelligence- rewarding those who seek in B-sharp or A-flat in duality of wealth & poverty, planet Jupiter, element tin, KEY 10, Wheel of Fortune is western face/wall, that West
  6. SVADISTTHANA / prostatic ganglion- letter P / Peh key 16                                               Exciting Intelligence-stirs up activity, produces change, effects transformation in C-natural in the duality grace & sin, planet Mars, element iron, KEY 16, the Tower is northern face/wall, that North
  7. MULADHARA / sacral plexus – letter T / Tav key 21                                                                Administrative Intelligence, active participation in cosmic government in the duality of dominion & slavery, planet Saturn, element lead, KEY 21, the World is the center of the cube, that 5th dimension of all space here & all time now, that Zion, that ‘palace in the midst of holiness’ , that changeless heart that reabsorbs all created in time as Saturn devours his children, everything appearing in time, disappears in time for the cosmic ball as that eternal dancer in the in the dance of life as the world does not belong to you – you / yod are the world of that, that that I am is in actuality or non

Since realization is not another thing to be gained, it is actually enough to be aware of being that awareness to get it, to realize it, that, that that I am is is.  Similarly w/the chakras, they are naturally activated by that awareness of being aware of them.  Every human being has them, even if that part of gross physical body is missing, the chakras remain in the subtle luminous counterpart, the sukshma sharira, the subtle body.  No matter whether lower or higher, each chakra is complete & integral to another.  The lowest is the highest & highest lowest.  The reality truth of being is centered center centrality signified by the lowest, the sacral plexus.  That centrality can never actually be high nor low, East nor West, North nor South, Above or Below.  It does not move yet is found still every where.  It never appears circumferential yet no circumference is possible w/out it.  Thus when meditating, focus not on the thing/chakra itself but the space around & w/in it, the space between thought thinking/visualizing it or not, just as w/a mantra, let focus be not on mantra but space between its re-petition.  Realize that I am is is that re-petition, that petition to re.  To re   to ra   ta ro  ro   ro     of      that       ka         new

Aquarius water bearer a quarius or\/ro curious Q a’s man a’s 2 wavy lines one above another a’s = equals  ‘that above is a’s that below’ or\/ro  = \/ + \/ = influence uranius  key 0 0  0   0    0     0      0       0        0         0         0        0       0      0     0    0   0  0 0 always divide by a’s zee ro ro ro row row row  in\/en violet \/ teloiv in\/en tone A sharp or\/ro B flat.

Natural Intelligence tzaddhi mode TBO to sink 2 sin ka awareness en’ding  en\/in atur al in a’s garden guardin’ guardian aton-ay zee zee zee ‘ ing along all along in the GSA the Great Secret Age a’s Great Se(e)k re ta(t) A gee’s us (k)now en light’ en’ ing ing ing ing ing seer seeing er\/re in re verse ‘s of word to word toward 8 8 8  8   8    8     8 b’ing all on its side its s’ i\/I de in finite infinity in for to ate directions out in that I am centrality a’s cosmic energy matter’ing zee zee’r ro  ro   ro  in/of that ka-new age, a g’s us e y e’ng / seeing / realizing that, that that I am is is.

Nature = nu(n) =\/+ atur e(ya) = at u r eya +\/= nun

You\/yod see’ ing a’s nun b’ing nun appear’ing 2 b nun a’s other (n)un that that that I am are a re .

“When you\/yod have found your way beginning a’s the e’star’e to show 2 es how to show a’s soul so u (a re) light ‘